[odc-discuss] ODC Attribution License new draft text
Jordan S Hatcher
jordan at opencontentlawyer.com
Sat May 29 20:19:07 UTC 2010
Hi everyone
Just a heads up that the Release candidate version of the ODC-Attribution license will be available for comment on the website in the next 24 hours or so. Here's a summary of the changes and draft text.
### Preamble
Just to make explicit some of the changes as compared to the ODbL: We've trimmed out some of the explanatory material in the preamble to make it shorter. This text just explains to the reader some more of the context of how to use the license. We'll have more of this kind of stuff up on the Open Data Commons site.
### 4.0 Conditions of Use
We reinstated 4.2a from the ODbL, slightly modified as there is no share-alike provision here. This simply states that you must only "Publicly Convey" the Database under the terms of the ADbL license.
This means that we've shifted the lettering back to a-d.
The new 4.2b and c has a slight edits in drafting. This oversight also needs correcting in the ODbL, which we will keep track of and propose in the future.
### "Licensing of others"
4.8 from the ODbL needs to be in the ODC Attribution License. This clause makes it clear that it is a direct relationship from the Licensor to all users. It has been renumbered to 4.4.
### TPMs and parallel distribution is out
This is just to make explicit something that is already present in the first draft that has been available for commenting -- Section 4.7 of the ODbL has not been transferred to the ODC-BY license. The attribution license should in my opinion be a fairly liberal license in that it should allow a wide set of use. That's why 4.7 from the ODbL is not present.
In comparison, the MIT / BSD style of open source licenses don't have anti-TPM clauses, but the Creative Commons licenses do (it's in 4.a in the CC-BY- 3.0 unported license). CC doesn't have a parallel distribution clause at all.
Let us know what you think.
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Mr. Jordan S Hatcher, JD, LLM
More at: <http://www.jordanhatcher.com>
Co-founder: <http://www.opendatacommons.org>
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