[odc-discuss] ODbL faq and norms

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sun Jun 26 10:40:35 UTC 2011

Moving on-list

On 26 June 2011 05:49, Richard Weait <richard at weait.com> wrote:
> Dear Rufus,
> In this email [1] you replied to Mike Collinson regarding ODbL as a
> contract and with a link to a FAQ at
> http://wiki.okfn.org/wg/odol/odc/odbl  That FAQ link is 404 now.  Have
> the questions and answers from that FAQ been relocated?

That FAQ has been deprecated in favour of the FAQ on the main site.
However the 404'ing is not because it has been removed but because of
a recent (last week) migration of wiki.okfn.org to mediawiki.
Mediawiki insists on having first letter capitalized so the link is:


We're going to fix this with a permanent redirect for lower case first letters.

> The ODbL norms page[2] refers several times to PDDL.  Has the wrong
> norms page been published at that address?

Those aren't the ODbL norms -- ODbL has no norms (because the license
is sufficient). Those norms are by-sa norms for the PDDL (i.e.
non-enforceable statements about what you (or the wider community)
would like / expect). So they are correct -- norms really only make
sense for the PDDL.



> Best regards,
> Richard
> [1] http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/odc-discuss/2009-March/000076.html
> [2] http://www.opendatacommons.org/norms/odc-by-sa/

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