[odc-discuss] Interview with Open Street Map's Steve Coast about relicensing and ODbL

Rob Myers rob at robmyers.org
Wed Jun 22 09:58:30 UTC 2011

On 22/06/11 10:46, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> ODbL's Produced Work is a well thought out answer to this and I would
> certainly not support OSM moving to any licence that did not retain such a
> concept.

A hack that might address this is allowing BY-SA to apply either to the 
database or to its contents. If it applied to the contents, both the 
share-alike and the attribution would apply to extracts from the 
database. If it applied to the database, only the attribution 
requirement would apply to extracts. The latter would approximate the 
ODbL. BY-SA on the DB with CC0 on the content would approximate ODbL/DbCL.

The contract element would be lost, though, despite the fact that 
contract law makes more sense for a "share-alike" licence than a 
"copyleft" one.

- Rob.

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