[ogdcamp] October 21st afternoon - LAPSI legal workshop within the OGDCamp: draft program

Cristiana Sappa cri_sappa at yahoo.it
Thu Sep 8 12:02:02 UTC 2011

Hi All, 

Kindly find here below a draft program for the legal workshop LAPSI is co-organizing within the OGDCamp on October 21st afternoon. 

Any suggestion or remark is very welcome. Feel free to contact me at this address with your proposals. 
You will find the advanced draft also on the LAPSI website (www.lapsi-project.eu). 

Session I. Primer:
Julian Valero (or a colleague from Murcia), LAPSI, Public Sector Information Access and Re-Use: Basic Principles
Prodromos Tziavos, LAPSI, PSI licensing: Basic Principles

Session II Clinic: 
Julian Valero (or a colleague from Murcia), LAPSI, Administrative Law Obstacles for Accessing and Re-Using PSI
Prodromos Tziavos, LAPSI, Compatibility of licences with national PSI/ INSPIRE implementations (topic be confirmed). 
Sarah Pearson, CC: Interoperability Between CC and ODBL as well as OGL and ODBL (topic to be confirmed). 
Federico Morando, LAPSI, Legal Interoperability and Regional Experiences.

Kind Regards, 

Cristiana Sappa
Project Manager, LAPSI, www.lapsi-project.eu, and EVPSI, www.evpsi.org
Postdoctoral Researcher, Torino Law School
Research Fellow, Nexa Center for Internet and Society, http://nexa.polito.it
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