[ogdcamp] session proposal on policy

Javier Ruiz javier at openrightsgroup.org
Fri Sep 16 12:25:10 UTC 2011

Dear all following some of our discussions here in UK, and the debate with
David and Chris, I have uploaded via the form the =session= proposal copied
below. It is not fixed at all and I hope more people will come forward to
help prepare.

best, Javier

The Many Agendas of Open Data

As more countries adopt open government data policies it appears that a
global consensus is emerging around the main benefits, which generally
centre around accountability, efficiency and innovation. However, we are
starting to see divergence of opinions as to what these mean in practice.

The different political agendas behind open data policies are set to become
central to the second phases of open data programmes, where after the
release of data the time comes for delivering actual benefits.

A prime example comes from the UK, where Open Data has been explicitly made
a central element to controversial plans for widespread privatisation of
public services.

Elsewhere, debates are starting as to whether open data is the first step
towards radically new models of open governance, or simply a sophisticated
version of New Public Management.

It seems clear that conflicting political approaches coexist side by side
under the umbrella of open data movement, and this is one of its strengths.
Can open data be completely above politics? One approach to maintain this
diversity could be a more structured engagement of organised civil society
in open data policy and implementation beyond civic hacking. The current
controversies around the Open Government Partnership show that these issues
are not confined to one country or even the national level.
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