[drn-cam-discuss] Next Cambridge Copynight: Thursday 7th September 2006, 7pm

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Aug 21 11:59:00 UTC 2006

**** Cambridge Copynight: Thursday 7th September 2006, 7pm  ****

~ Redistribute Freely to Relevant Lists and Individuals ~

Announcing the next Cambridge Copynight dedicated to discussing digital 
rights, open knowledge and F/OSS. It's a chance to chat and chew over 
the latest tech and digital rights issues while drinking coffee (or even 
having a meal).

Obviously this is likely to be of more interest to people in and around
Cambridge but anyone is welcome. *If you intend to come it would be 
great if you could RSVP so we have an idea of numbers* (though, of 
course, people are free just to show up on the day).


Rufus Pollock


Where: CB2 Cafe, Norfolk Street, upstairs <http://tinyurl.com/fcf27>
When: First thursday of every month
Who: Anyone who wants to come

Wiki page: http://www.okfn.org/wiki/DrnCambridge
Mailing list: http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/drn-cam-discuss

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