[drn-cam-discuss] Re: Reminder (TOMORROW): Next Cambridge Copynight: Thursday 7th September 2006, 7pm

Wookey wookey at aleph1.co.uk
Thu Sep 7 10:58:54 UTC 2006

On 06-09-07 10:02 +0100, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> peter murray-rust wrote:
> >At 16:55 06/09/2006, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> >I am also overwhelmed by Placeopedia - what a clever and simple idea. 

just had a look. Neat. So now I will spend hours placing all the
worlds important caves - mutter.

> Well I believe Placeopedia is a mysociety 'side-project' so if either 
> Francis of Chris are there tonight you can ask the authors themselves!

Hmm, well placing my first spot (gunung mulu national park) shows that
there is a discrpancy between the map the lat/long values show. A
point placed so the WGS84 GPS co-ords match the placopedia lat/long is
about 20km West of where it should be (on the googlemap API).
Something is amiss.

Not sure if I will make it tonight.

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