[ok-ox-discuss] Starting Open Knowledge Oxford...

Nate Olson nate at pjsp.org
Mon Apr 28 23:38:58 UTC 2008

Agreed that an event on 'open archaeology' is well worth a go. Also  
interested to learn what Iain hears from Jonathan Zittrain.

As to a casual get-together in May, I'm definitely unavailable on the  
23rd/24th (Fri/Sat). I might be away for another 2-3 days at some  
point doing research, but that's a rather distant prospect.

Joseph, I didn't know you were at the Geek Night! I swung by for a  
few minutes to meet Janet McKnight and to say hello to J-P. (Also met  
a nice guy named Owen--last name eludes me--who was at OKCon in  
London, but I hadn't chatted with him there. Anyone else know him?)  
Sorry I missed you.

Mentioned OKF-Oxford to Jon Hicks (<http://hicksdesign.co.uk/>) while  
stopping through the Geek Night. Would be wonderful if we could snag  
some of his time before too long (either as a 'member' of the group  
or at an event featuring him), but he's in high demand. We'll see.

Take care, all,

On 28 Apr 08, at 7.03 PM, Iain Emsley wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'll mail something to the Google Group then tomorrow with the wiki  
> address.
> A meetup would be geat.
> Iain
> Joseph Reeves wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Geek night seemed to be a success although there was no mention of
>> Open Knowledge Oxford, at least not to me. The organisers of BarCamp
>> Oxford were there to discuss their event, however.
>> I'm keen on a meetup and fairly flexible with regard to dates,
>> although I would like to be on holiday towards the end of May, but
>> nothing has been arranged yet.
>> I think an Open Archaeology event would be very positive and would be
>> keen to work on it. What sort of format, content, structure did you
>> have in mind?
>> All the best,
>> Joseph
>> On 24/04/2008, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>>  Just a quick note to ask what we should do to get Open Knowledge  
>>> Oxford
>>>  going...
>>>  How did it go at the Geek night? Was there any mention of the  
>>> meetups?
>>>  We should certainly invite JP Stacey to join this list, and  
>>> circulate
>>>  the URL for the wiki page:
>>>    http://okfn.org/wiki/LocalGroups/OxfordGroup
>>>  I met a few people on Monday/Tuesday who expressed an interest in
>>>  getting involved in an open knowledge group in Oxford - so I'll  
>>> follow
>>>  that up asap.
>>>  Perhaps we could have a first meetup on a week night sometime  
>>> later in
>>>  May? Or is that a bad time? If we can get a range of dates we  
>>> can have a
>>>  poll using doodle:
>>>    http://doodle.ch/main.html
>>>  Joseph: I also thought it could be interesting to have an event  
>>> on open
>>>  archaeology. What do you think?
>>>  Warm regards,
>>>  Jonathan
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