[ok-scotland] 8 days left to enter the LinkedUp Veni Competition using Linked and Open Data in Education

Ewan Klein ewan at staffmail.ed.ac.uk
Wed Jun 19 06:51:45 UTC 2013

Dear all,

Can you create a guidance system to help self-learner search and select online courses that seem to best suit their needs? Could you find a way to make research papers more accessible, and more easily read by less-advanced learners? Or have you any thoughts on how teachers in the developing world can benefit from the open resources freely available online?

Well, there is still time to enter the Veni Competition! Whilst there are just 8 days remaining, that's enough time to pull together a prototype or demo that analyses and/or integrates linked and open web data for educational purposes.

With a total prize fund of 5,000 EUR, and our award ceremony taking place at OKCon in Geneva on 17 September 2013, there is no excuse not to enter!

Find out more on our blog or on our website.

Best wishes

Michelle Brook
Community coordinator, Open Education | @MLBrook
The Open Knowledge Foundation
Empowering through Open Knowledge
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LinkedUp | http://linkedup-project.eu| @LinkedUpProject| linking data for education

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