[ok-scotland] Research in the 21st Century: Data, Analytics and Impact

Graham Steel steelgraham7 at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 6 10:37:27 UTC 2015

Just a short note to alert people to our Research Conference/Hackathon
<https://reconevent.wordpress.com/> 19 - 20th June, Edinburgh.



*An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure" Benjamin
Franklin ~1800*

H: +44 (0)141 422 1483

C: +44 (0)7827408070

E: graham at contentmine.org or  steelgraham7 at gmail.com

U: http://www.plos.org - *PLOS *I *OPEN FOR DISCOVERY*

Fb: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=709026752

Blog: http://figshare.com/blog

Twitter: http://twitter.com/McDawg

Google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/107449381177524115065/posts/p/pub

Impact Story: https://impactstory.org/grahamsteel

LIVESTREAMING : http://www.ustream.tv/user/McDawg
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