[ok-scotland] Cities and open data
David Stafford
staffordd at stirling.gov.uk
Wed Jan 28 08:50:44 UTC 2015
I think we all need to be explicit with all requests...I think that's a
huge part of the problem with data - if you are not PRECISE about what
you ask for, you won't GET what you are asking for. It's extremely
important to include every eventuality, try to think of every condition,
every possibility, when specifying anything, really.
Clarity is what I seek, and I don't see a lot of it, there are a lot of
very vaguely-worded documents floating about, and it's actually their
lack of precision, their failure to BE explicit in what is
required/requested/sought, that causes most of the problems with have
with "data" - it's a communications issue again!!!!!!!
:-) my .04 p - I promise to be QUIET now :-)
>>> Maire Williams <M.Williams at centreforcities.org> 27/01/2015 16:33
It’s an ask for city data, not individual records.
From: ok-scotland [mailto:ok-scotland-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf
Of Alex.Ramage at transportscotland.gsi.gov.uk
Sent: 27 January 2015 16:20
To: ok-scotland at lists.okfn.org
Subject: Re: [ok-scotland] Cities and open data
You need to be explicit with the assumption in designing your wish
Alexander D. Ramage
Head of Management Information Systems
Asset Management
Trunk Road and Bus Operations
T: 0141 272 7281
T: 0131 244 5484
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Còmhdhail Alba, buidheann nàiseanta na còmhdhail
From: ok-scotland [mailto:ok-scotland-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf
Of Maire Williams
Sent: 27 January 2015 16:19
To: List for those interested in open knowledge in Scotland.
Subject: Re: [ok-scotland] Cities and open data
Hi – we wouldn’t be asking for individual records. It would be
aggregated up to LA level with names etc. removed
From: ok-scotland [mailto:ok-scotland-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf
Of Alex.Ramage at transportscotland.gsi.gov.uk
Sent: 27 January 2015 16:07
To: ok-scotland at lists.okfn.org
Subject: Re: [ok-scotland] Cities and open data
Just to put my two pence.
Some of your data is extremely sensitive – you may wish to be more open
in the level of aggregation you are expecting. You do not have (and
will never have I hope) permission to view my PAYE records!
Alexander D. Ramage
Head of Management Information Systems
Asset Management
Trunk Road and Bus Operations
T: 0141 272 7281
T: 0131 244 5484
Blackberry: 07920 477 576
Transport Scotland
Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road
G4 0HF
For agency and travel information visit our website
( http://www.transportscotland.gov.uk/)
Transport Scotland, the national transport agency
Còmhdhail Alba, buidheann nàiseanta na còmhdhail
From: ok-scotland [mailto:ok-scotland-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf
Of Maire Williams
Sent: 27 January 2015 16:04
To: List for those interested in open knowledge in Scotland.
Subject: Re: [ok-scotland] Cities and open data
Thanks Dave.
For this particular piece of work we are looking at data sets that are
already collected but are not publically available. In part this is
because we feel there is a stronger case for releasing them – there are
no additional collection costs as the data is already held. All the data
listed in table 1 of the document I attached is currently collected by
Government but is not open to the general public. These are not taken
from a particular list that cities publish, just from our general
knowledge of data collection and/or conversations with organisations.
So we’re not looking for suggestions on data that organisations should
start to collect but suggestions for existing datasets that it would
be useful to have publically and freely available. We also want to
gauge the level of support for existing data that Centre for Cities
feels should be prioritised for release i.e. would others use this data
if published and how.
Hopefully that’s clearer!
From: ok-scotland [mailto:ok-scotland-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf
Of David Stafford
Sent: 27 January 2015 14:58
To: ok-scotland at lists.okfn.org
Subject: Re: [ok-scotland] Cities and open data
Hello Maire,
Can I just interject, one thing I did not see in your list, which is -
what the proviso would be in a situation where you identify your "list
of key data sets that we (you) and others would like to see prioritised
for release" what is the proviso, when one or more of the desired data
sets simply does not exist at some, many, or even all of the cities in
question - or, are you talking about choosing from lists of existing
datasets already published by these cities (which, if I had to guess -
mostly do not exist???).
I just wondered - I think it's an important point, you can't easily
prioritise something that literally does not exist :-) - as you know.
So I personally, would have written this list:
1) If the specific datasets mentioned would be of interest to you
/ your organisation and how you would use them
2) Other city level data you / your organisation would like to
see prioritised for release and why
This way, instead:
1) Does this information exist at the city level in the 64
cities we are interested in? If not, how will we proceed for items /
data sets that we want, but, that do not exist?
2) If the specific datasets mentioned would be of interest
to you / your organisation and how you would use them?
3) Other city level data you / your organisation would like to
see prioritised for release and why - again, if extant?
Just a thought, I could be way off the mark, and if I am - my
I would never assume that data is there, unless you've checked - in
which case, then it's just not clear in the email that you are working
from a list of existing data sets.
All the very best,
Dave Stafford
>>> Maire Williams <M.Williams at centreforcities.org> 27/01/2015 13:54
Hi all,
I’ve just joined this mailing list and wanted to introduce myself and
ask for feedback on a project I’m working on. I work as a researcher at
Centre for Cities, which looks at the economic performance of the UKs 64
largest cities. We’re interested in open data as the amount of timely,
robust data available at a city level is limited, and this impacts on
our and Governments ability to understand the issues individuals cities
face and develop efficient policies that overcome these. We published a
report outlining the benefits from open data policies to cities
and are now building on this to come up with a list of key data sets
that we and others would like to see prioritised for release.
I’ve attached a short note that outlines what data we would like to see
prioritised for release and why. It would be great if you could have a
read through and get back to me with comments on:
1) If the specific datasets mentioned would be of interest to you
/ your organisation and how you would use them
2) Other city level data you / your organisation would like to
see prioritised for release and why
Our aim is to come up with a short list of key data sets that we would
then campaign for the relevant parties to release.
Any feedback you have would be appreciated,
Many thanks,
Maire Williams
( https://twitter.com/WilliamsMaire)
Centre for Cities, Enterprise House, 59-65 Upper Ground, London. SE1
Visit us: centreforcities.org
( http://www.centreforcities.org/) | Follow us: @centreforcities
( http://twitter.com/centreforcities) | Data about your city:
( http://www.citiesoutlook.org/)
Our General Election campaign, Think Cities: thinkcities.org.uk
( http://www.thinkcities.org.uk/) or follow: @thinkcitiesuk
Centre for Cities is a registered charity (No 1119841) and a company
limited by guarantee registered in England (No 6215397)
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