[okfn-advisory] Potential renaming of Open Knowledge Foundation Advisory Board

Laura James laura.james at okfn.org
Wed Sep 25 15:17:03 UTC 2013

Hello Advisory Board,

You may be interested to know that we've just published an updated terms of
reference for the Board of Directors:
http://okfn.org/about/board/board-terms-of-reference/ We will continue to
refine and improve this - so feedback welcome!

One piece of early feedback (thanks to Andrew Stott!) is that the Open
Knowledge Foundation having two "boards" (the board of directors, and the
advisory board) is confusing. His suggestion is that this group might be
termed the "Advisory Council."

This may also better reflect the nature of this group, which we currently
have as:

The Advisory Board exists to advise the executive team and other team
members as appropriate, and may get involved with specific projects or
challenges. The advice is available both as requested by the exec team and
also by Advisory Board members proactively contacting the exec team with
ideas, leads or opportunities. The Advisory Board is a group of advisors,
rather than a Board which aims to form consensus or decisions.

(this discussion is also happening today on the OKFN-discuss public mailing
list  http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-discuss )

This seems like a sensible change; if there are no strong objections within
10 days or so I will assume everyone is happy for us to rename and I'll
update the website.

On a related point, Rufus and I discussed a little with those of you who
were at OKCon about the role of this group.  We would be happy to discuss
with any of you on or off list whether you feel the above paragraph
captures what you feel the role of this group should be, and also we'd love
to know what you personally would like to get out of being a member of the
Advisory Board/Council and if there is anything we can do better in terms
of how we work with you.

Best regards,



Dr Laura James

CEO  | skype: laura.james  |  @LaurieJ <https://twitter.com/LaurieJ>

The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>

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