[Open Government Data - OKFO] Linked Open Geodata - 06-09-2011 - Graz

Thomas Thurner t.thurner at semantic-web.at
Do Aug 11 14:55:20 UTC 2011

Liebe Damen und Herren,

gerne möchte ich Euch auf unser nächstes Semantic Web Meetup zum Thema "Linked Open Geodata" aufmerksam machen.
Unsere Meetups sind informelle Kommunikations und Austauschtreffen, die an wechselnden Orten und mit wechselndem thematischen Fokus stattfinden.

Anfang September sind wir in Graz.

:: Semantic Web Meetup will happen on
:: Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 7:00 PM
:: Joanneum Research Gmbh, Leonhardstrasse 59, Graz

Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung findet Ihr weiter unten in dieser eMail und unter http://www.meetup.com/Vienna-Semantic-Web-Meetup/events/23088111/

Ich würde mich freuen Euch begrüßen zu können.

Thomas Thurner


About this Meetup:

Geodata services have become a vital part of our daily mobile lives/life. Looking up places and routes, time-tables for public transport, hiking trails, ski slopes, and all kinds of points-of-interest has become self-evident for internet and smart-phone users. Because there is a myriad of possibilities and use-cases where geodata supports people in their daily tasks, the importance of free and open geodata is not to be underestimated.

In this meetup - which is again taking place in Graz, on the eve of the I-Semantics and I-Know conferences - we will hear highly interesting talks about open geodata projects and how semantic technology and the Linked Open Data principle can be used to enhance geodata for next-generation services.

Because geo information is also an essential part of Open Government Data (think about government maintained points-of-interest such as stations, public buildings, parks, etc.; nearly all kinds of statistics can be geo-coded), we will also talk about OGD initiatives and how future OGD and GIS infrastructures could be seamlessly integrated by the Linked Open Data principles. We expect to have interesting Lightning Talks too! As this MeetUp is on the eve of i-semantics and i-know - Conference we expect to meet experts and enthusiasts from Austria and abroad.

:: 19.00 come together
   Wolfgang Halb (Joanneum Research)
   Julian Ausserhofer (FH Joanneum)
   Vienna Semantic Web Meetup in Graz

:: 19.15 Introduction

   Andreas Langegger
   Introduction into Linked Open Geo Data

:: 19.30 Presentations

   Julia Neuschmid
   Central European Institute of Technology, Department for Urbanism,
   Transport, Environment, Information Society
   o Geodata Infrastructures and INSPIRE - overview, status quo
   o User generated content - OpenStreetMap community project
   o Projects based on open geodata - semantic web-based maps,
     mobility pass for real estates ( www.mobilitaetsausweis.at )

   Sören Auer, Claus Stadler
   Universität Leipzig,  Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web
   o Linked Geo Data project – access and query OpenStreetMap as
     linked open data: linkedgeodata.org
   o Experiences and future perspectives in linked open geodata research
   o Geodata as part of Open Government Data initiatives – a possible
     best practices guide

:: 20.30 Lightning Talks
   Up to max 7-8 Talks not longer than 4 minutes each - just stand up and talk!

:: 21.00 Meeting, Greeting, Networking and Music
   Drinks & finger food will be prepared for you.

This will be a mixed language meetup. Be prepared to listen and speak both - german and english.


Don't miss i-sematics and i-know the following days: http://www.i-semantics.at


| Thomas Thurner, Semantic Web Company
| Lerchenfelder Guertel 43, A - 1160 Wien, Austria
| Tel +43 / 1 / 402 12 35 - 31 | skype thomas_thurner

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