[OKFN - Austria] Documentation Workshop "Open Research: Data Management and Policies in the Austrian national context"
Michela Vignoli
mvignoli at me.com
Do Jun 20 13:46:03 UTC 2013
Hello Open Science list,
A short documentation of our workshop "Open Research: Data Management and Policies in the Austrian national context", which took place at the CeDEM 2013 conference, is available on the Austrian Open Research Wiki: http://list.scape-project.eu/confluence/display/AORW/CeDEM+2013+-+Open+Research%3A+Data+Management+and+Policies+in+the+Austrian+national+context.
A more comprehensive documentation of the workshop results is currently being finalised and will be available shortly.
Our aim is to connect the Open Access community in Austria and beyond in order to work towards common goals in a unified manner. We would appreciate your suggestions and contributions.
Best regards,
Michela Vignoli
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