[OKFN - Austria] wenn jemand verbilligte karten für die okcon haben will: 3 days left to apply to be a volunteer!!
Thomas Thurner
team.teichenberg at gmail.com
Fr Mai 24 15:04:55 UTC 2013
2013/5/24 Zara Rahman <zara.rahman at okfn.org>
> Hi everyone!
> Two things today - (actually 3, following Christian's earlier email about OKCon's
> call for Proposals being extended until May 31st
> <http://okcon.org/call-for-proposals/>- great news!) - firstly, there are
> just *3 days left* to get your application in to be a volunteer at OKCon.
> We'd love to see as many of you there as possible, and those of you who
> are already valued members of our community will be looked favourably upon
> for the volunteer positions - which actually will be a great way to meet
> lots more people from the wider OKF and open data community! Submit your
> applications online <http://okcon.org/call-for-volunteers/>by *Sunday,
> 26th May. *OKCon <http://okcon.org/>will be a wonderful opportunity to
> share ideas, get inspired, meet new people and I'm sure many of you will
> have fun matching people's real faces to their familiar Skype avatars!
> And one last request from me: myself and a colleague, Michael Bauer, will
> be heading to Santiago (Chile), Buenos Aires and Montevideo between June
> 13th-25th. If any of you are in those places, I would love to meet you in
> person, or if any of you have recommendations of interesting people for us
> to meet, places for us to hang out, or even just accommodation/restaurant
> recommendations, do drop me a line! We'll also be attending, and hopefully
> running a short session at ABRELATAM <http://www.abrelatam.org/> for
> those of you based in the region.
> That's all! Have a great weekend all.
> Zara
> --
> *Zara Rahman*
> *International Community Manager ** | @ <https://twitter.com/rmounce>**
> zararah <https://twitter.com/zararah>***
> *The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>*
> *Empowering through Open Knowledge*
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