[OKFN - Austria] PhD position at Uni Wien: Visual Analytics in Data-driven Journalism

Julian Ausserhofer julian.ausserhofer at gmail.com
Di Okt 14 18:43:11 UTC 2014

Liebe Open-Data-Interessierte, liebe Hacks & Hackers,

an der Uni Wien ist mit heute eine Doktorandenstelle für das im 2015
startende Forschungsprojekt „Visual Analytics in Data-driven Journalism”
ausgeschrieben. Gesucht wird einE KandidatIn mit
Technik-/Visualierungshintergrund und Interesse an Open Data und
Journalismus.  Alle Details unten.

Mit der Bitte um Verbreitung und besten Grüßen,
Julian Ausserhofer

Disclaimer: Ich bin auch Teil des Projekts, allerdings über einen anderen
Partner involviert.


*PhD position: Visual Analytics in Data-driven Journalism*
University of Vienna

We invite applicants for a PhD position in Visual Analytics/Human-Computer
Interaction within the Visualization and Data Analysis Group at the
University of Vienna. The successful applicant will join a larger
interdisciplinary research group with backgrounds in computing, design, and

Like many other organizations, publishing houses and the news industry are
facing tremendous challenges making sense of the ever-growing amount of
information. A trend towards data-centric journalism aiming to deal with
these challenges has recently become popular under the term “Data-driven
Journalism” and is vividly discussed in discourses about the future of

The successful applicant will explore how methods of Visual Analytics can
support Data-driven Journalism. This will include working with a diverse
range of users to better understand how data is currently used in
journalism, and to design and evaluate novel Visual Analytics solutions for
Data-driven Journalism.

Review of applications will begin on November 21, 2014, and continue until
the position is filled.

Applicants should submit a CV, a two-page motivation statement, two
references, copies of university certificates, and a transcript to Monika
Gregor monika.gregor at univie.ac.at

Informal enquiries can be directed to Dr. Michael Sedlmair
michael.sedlmair at univie.ac.at

Further details are available here: http://goo.gl/q7uQDm

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