[OKFN - Austria] CFP: CCURL 2016 @ LREC
Wandl-Vogt, Eveline
Eveline.Wandl-Vogt at oeaw.ac.at
Fr Dez 11 16:50:08 UTC 2015
lb kolleg.innen,
dear colleagues,
i am happy to announce the
second workshop on
collaboration and computing for under-resourced languages "towards an alliance for digital language diversity"
held @ LREC (http://lrec2016.lrec-conf.org/en/) in portoroz / SI
on may, 23rd 2016.
main topics:
1) digital infrastructures
2) language resources and technologies research and development with focus on use and usability of minority languages in social media
3) domain-specific resources and applications
4) policies, guidelines and best practices
5) advocacy and digital language planning
6) new methods towards digital language diversity, including semantic web technologies as well as open data and free/open-source and other open innovation approaches, such as open science commons
7) significance and implications of digital language diversity for the internet of things
further info: c.f. http://www.ilc.cnr.it/ccurl2016/call-for-papers.htm
on behalf the organising committee i warmly welcome you to join in, exchange expertise and visions and make new friends! enjoy your day @ work:
eveline wandl-vogt
österreichische akademie der wissenschaften (ÖAW) [austrian academy of sciences] | 1040 wien. AT | wohllebengasse 12-14/2 |
http://www.oeaw.ac.at/acdh/ | http://wboe.oeaw.ac.at
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