[OKFN - Austria] WG: Fantastic OpenCon Webcast on how being Open Affects your Career
Vignoli Michela
Michela.Vignoli at ait.ac.at
Di Jul 14 12:44:26 UTC 2015
FYI – Liebe Grüße! Michela
Von: opencon-discussion-list at googlegroups.com [mailto:opencon-discussion-list at googlegroups.com] Im Auftrag von Joseph Mcarthur
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2015 21:37
Betreff: [OpenCon] Fantastic OpenCon Webcast on how being Open Affects your Career
Hi everyone,
Earlier this week we hosted a fantastic webcast from Ethan White<https://twitter.com/ethanwhite> on how open research affects your career.
Below (as an image) is just one example of the great ways he explained things, in fact our tweet about this has somewhat taken off<https://twitter.com/open_con/status/618466638850064384/photo/1>.
[cid:image001.png at 01D0BE43.94F64C40]
If you're interested, you can watch the webcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Za5bz06cHmk.
If anyone would like to help me put together some quick notes on the webcast to post as a blog please let me know (an example of the type of thing we're thinking of can be found here<http://opencon2015.org/blog/take-away-messages-june-opencon-webcast>)!
Hope you're all doing well,
Joseph McArthur
Assistant Director: Right to Research Coalition<http://righttoresearch.org>
Co-Lead/Founder: Open Access Button<http://openaccessbutton.org>
Twitter: @Mcarthur_Joe
Skype: joseph_mcarthur
Linkedin: http://linkd.in/1BgZ1jU
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