[OKFN - Austria] Petition: support Diego Gomez

Vignoli Michela Michela.Vignoli at ait.ac.at
Do Jun 25 12:37:32 UTC 2015

Dear all,

FYI – apologies for cross-posting.


Von: opencon-discussion-list at googlegroups.com [mailto:opencon-discussion-list at googlegroups.com] Im Auftrag von David Carroll
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2015 22:47
Betreff: [OpenCon] Can you support Diego Gomez?

Hey OpenCon Friends,

Last Summer, we at the Open Access Button learnt about the case of Diego Gomez. Diego Gomez, a Colombian graduate student, currently faces up to eight years in prison for doing something thousands of researchers do every day: posting research results online for those who would not otherwise have a way to access them. Last week Diego penned a letter to tell us that his trial is on the 30th of June. We’ve reblogged his letter on our blog  here if you want to read it https://openaccessbutton.org/blog/diego-gomez.

We launched a petition to support Diego with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Creative Commons, Right to Research Coalition and Fundacion Karisma<https://act.eff.org/action/let-s-stand-together-to-promote-open-access-worldwide> and since then we’ve had over 9,000 individual signatures and 12 organisations join us.

Can you sign our petition and share it with your friends?<https://act.eff.org/action/let-s-stand-together-to-promote-open-access-worldwide>

Diego’s Twitter is @diegogomezhoyos if you want to add it to a tweet.

Thanks for your support,
David Carroll
david at openaccessbutton.org<mailto:david at openaccessbutton.org>
Jabber: davidecarroll at dukgo.com<mailto:davidecarroll at dukgo.com>

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