[OKFN - Austria] Planet Open Data Austria News Reader (Portal) - New Sources (Wiki) Page

Gerald Bauer gerald.bauer at gmail.com
So Jun 28 19:08:31 UTC 2015


  FYI: I've reworked the configuration files for the Planet Open Data
Austria collecting links to open data projects, blogs, news sites,
etc. in Austria / Österreich (including web feeds for easy

   There's now a new all-in-one page listing all news reader sources
at planetopendata/austria [1].  The new page works like a wiki (e.g.
you get the best of both worlds, that is, you can edit the sources in
plain old text but still get a hyperlinked web page once
saved/commited plus a working configuration file for the (planet) news

   Anything missing? Contributions welcome. Cheers.

[1] https://github.com/planetopendata/austria

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