[OKFN - Austria] Slide Show (S9) v3.0 - Write Talks / Presentations in Text w / Markdown - Many Themes (S5, S6, deck.js, impress.js, etc.)

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
So Apr 3 10:30:38 UTC 2016

Hi Gerald,

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Gerald Bauer <gerald.bauer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Still using PowerPoint or Keynote for your talks and presentations?

​Unfortunately yes, because my experiments with Impress ​didn't prove very
successful ...

Any favorite slide show/presentation package? Questions? Comments?
> Welcome. Cheers.

I've been considering slideshow tools such as Slide Show (S9) but my
presentations tend to be a mix of pictures and videos with only little
text. A demo of such a presentation would be much more convincing to me. ​

​Best wishes,

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