[OKFN - Austria] Fwd: Forum Medientechnik 2016

Krabina Bernhard krabina at kdz.or.at
Mo Aug 8 10:46:20 UTC 2016


anbei ein Call for Papers, der explizit auch Visualisierungen basierend auf offenen Daten erwähnt. Deadline: 2. September. 

Bernhard Krabina 


CALL FOR PAPERS (Deadline: September 2nd, 2016) Apologies if you receive this more than once. 


CFP: 9th Forum Media Technology 2016 

St. Pölten, Austria 

23-24 November, 2016 


Submission address: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/FMT2016/ 
Contact: forummedientechnik at fhstp.ac.at 


Audiovisual, interactive and mobile media interweave with our everyday life. In almost all our areas of life, they change our behavior and affect our perception, thinking and feeling. The Forum Media Technology (FMT) aims for an intensive dialogue of experts working at agencies, studios and production companies with students, lecturers, researchers and developers. Contributions are sought for the 9th Forum Media Technology, presenting current results of applied research and development, new theoretical and scientific findings or case studies, projects, formats, services and prototypes in digital media technologies. 

In order to foster the exchange between various disciplines in the huge field of digital media, the Forum Media Technology intentionally puts its focus on a wide range of content and on interdisciplinary dialogues at the intersection of new technological possibilities, creative design as well as economic, social and cultural framework requirements. We invite submissions which address one of the topics of the conference (see more details in the attached PDF): 
- High Dynamic Range Video Production, Postproduction and Technologies 
- Innovative Audio - New Applications for Music, Sound Design and Sonic Interaction 
- Mobile Design / Development / Trust / Privacy / Learning 
- Digital Media Experience (Game Design, Serious Games, Experience Design) 
- Interactive Visualization and Data Analysis 
- Multimedia Modelling and Retrieval 
- Digital Archives and Cultural Heritage 
- Smart Engineering and Industrial Internet 
- Ambient Assisted Living and Digital Healthcare 
- Content Development and Production 
- Technology-based Business Models 
- New Forms of Media Use and their Analysis 


Papers should describe original and unpublished work on the above or closely related topics. Please submit your paper electronically at https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/FMT2016/ . 
Contributions can be submitted in German or English. FMT welcomes submissions in three different submission categories: 
- Full Paper: Full papers should report substantial, completed, and previously unpublished research. The maximum length is 8 pages excluding references in the FMT conference paper format. Accepted full papers will be presented as a talk of 20 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion. 
- Short Paper: Short papers are appropriate for reporting smaller experiments, surveys, and work in progress. The maximum length is 4 pages excluding references in the FMT conference paper format. Accepted short papers will be presented as a talk of 10 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion. 
- Graduate Consortium: The FMT 2016 Graduate Consortium session is intended to provide an opportunity for graduate and doctoral students to explore, discuss and develop their research topic in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel of distinguished researchers. We invite students to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with colleagues and researchers in the field. Candidates for the Graduate Consortium should have a clear topic and research approach. Their work should be still in progress and allow for making changes, so that applicants can benefit from the consortium’s feedback. Accepted proposals will be presented in a one-minute elevator statement to the audience and then discussed in detail in smaller individual discussion groups. 

A template for full and short papers is available here: http://bit.ly/fmt2016template 


Submission of short and full papers September 2, 2016 
Submission of graduate consortium papers November 2, 2016 
Notification of acceptance (short and full papers) October 7, 2016 
Notification of acceptance (graduate consortium) November 11 2016 
Camera-ready submission October 21, 2016 
9th Forum Media Technology 2016 23-24 November, 2016 

ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Wolfang Aigner, Kerstin Blumenstein, Michael Iber, Grischa Schmiedl, Matthias Zeppelzauer. 

LOCATION: St. Pölten, Austria (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, http://www.fhstp.ac.at ) 
Situated 60 km to the west of Vienna in Austria’s oldest baroque town, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1996 and is an expanding institution of higher education. 

fh-prof. priv.-doz. dipl.-ing. dr. 
Institut für Creative\Media/Technologies ( IC\M/T) 
Department Medien und Digitale Technologien 

Fachhochschule St. Pölten GmbH 
Matthias Corvinus - Straße 15, 3100 St. Pölten 
wolfgang.aigner at fhstp.ac.at 
+43 (0) 2742 313 228 - 611 
http:// mc.fhstp.ac.at/people/wolfgang-aigner 
FN 146616m, LG St. Pölten, DVR 1028669F 

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