[OK-AT] Einladung zur Buchpräsentation "Austria's Roadmap for Enterprise Linked Data" - 15.12.2016 / Wien

Thomas Thurner team.teichenberg at gmail.com
Di Dez 6 10:19:18 UTC 2016

Liebe Listmembers,

für alle jene, die an der betrieblichen Nutzung von Open Data interessiert
sind, gibt es gepackte Information im neu erschienen Buch "Austria's
Roadmap for Enterprise Linked Data". Zur Buchpräsentation (Gratisexemplar
für alle Besucher/innen) laden das PROPEL-Konsortium und Data Market
Austria ein.

Wir freuen uns Interessierte aus der Open Data Community - möglichst
zahlreich - begrüßen zu können. Alles weiter in der Einladung unten.

Beste Grüße
Thomas Thurner

Joint Presentation
Data Market Austria and
Enterprise Linked Data Roadmap

Several new projects drive the development of data-related technologies,
services, and businesses.  We want to interconnect people and knowledge in
the field. That's why we are inviting to this joint presentation of the
PROPEL project and the DMA project.

The PROPEL project surveyed technological challenges, entrepreneurial
opportunities, and open research questions on the use of Linked Data in a
business context. In this presentation of project results, key findings
will be discussed, reflected on potential use cases of Linked Data in
various industries, remaining technological gaps, and innovation potential
for Linked Data in business.

The Data Market Austria Project is creating a Data-Services Ecosystem in
Austria by advancing technology foundations for secure data markets and
cloud interoperability, and creating an environment encouraging
data-centred innovation. Learn more about DMA at this MeetUp.

14:45 … Hot Drinks
15:00 ... Welcome
15:10 … The Project
15:20 … The Findings
15:35 … Conclusions, Roadmap
15:45 … Guest Presentation: Data Market Austria
16:00 … Get your Book and hand over to
               Vienna Open Data MeetUp

So do not miss also the presentation of Data Market Austria which will be a
major cornerstone of the development of Enterprise Linked Data in Austria.

With best regards,
Thomas Thurner

PS: Get your copy of the book "Austria's Roadmap for Enterprise Linked
Data" at the MeetUp

December 2016
15 15:00 - 16:00
Ihre verbindliche, kostenfreie Anmeldung
Register for free

Stadt Wien, MA21
Rathausstr. 14-16
1010 Vienna
Map <https://www.meetup.com/Vienna-Semantic-Web-Meetup/events/235173136/>
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