[OK-AT] einladung | invitation: innovation and design thinking 4 humanities and social sciences?

Wandl-Vogt, Eveline Eveline.Wandl-Vogt at oeaw.ac.at
Mi Feb 1 23:50:23 UTC 2017

liebe kolleg.innen,
dear colleagues,

it is our pleasure to invite you to a joint lecture of ACDH and HEPHY

by markus nordberg (head of resources development, CERN, CH):

from collisions and collaboration to innovation and design thinking -
is there anything that could work outside physics?

markus nordberg is introducing the concept of ideasquare<http://cern.ch/Ideasquare>.
we are delighted to discuss with you the "experiment" of this dedicated test facility as well as visions to apply this concept in other domains.

time: february, 7th - 4pm
venue: wohllebengasse 12-14, 1040 wien; seminarraum

further information c.f. http://www.oeaw.ac.at/acdh/en/Talk_Markus_Nordberg

we are looking forward to welcome you:
eveline wandl-vogt & jochen schieck


österreichische akademie der wissenschaften (ÖAW) [austrian academy of sciences] | 1040 wien. AT | wohllebengasse 12-14/2 | http://www.oeaw.ac.at/acdh/ | http://wboe.oeaw.ac.at
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