[OK-AT] Evaluation of findOSSLicense

Georgia (Zeta) Kapitsaki gkapi at cs.ucy.ac.cy
Di Jun 27 14:34:35 UTC 2017

Dear developer,

I would like to ask your help and feedback in testing our license 
recommender findOSSLicense <http://findosslicense.cs.ucy.ac.cy/> that 
can guide you in choosing an appropriate open source license software 
depending on the kind of software system you are developing.

If you use findOSSLicense <http://findosslicense.cs.ucy.ac.cy/>, please 
give a rating for the licenses recommended to you using the respective 
option of the system and fill in the questionnaire that you can find 
_by July 7th._ You can also login with GitHub, choose an existing GitHub 
repository and see which license is recommended by findOSSLicense.

Your participation will be valuable for drawing useful conclusions for 
findOSSLicense. Please distribute this email to any colleagues that 
might find it useful.

For any questions please contact me.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Georgia (Zeta) M. Kapitsaki
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Computer Science
tel: +357-22892692
University of Cyprus

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