[OK-AT] Fwd: [OpenCon] Open Science Training Handbook version 1.0

Stefan Kasberger stefan.kasberger at okfn.at
Sa Apr 21 17:19:28 UTC 2018


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Subject: 	[OpenCon] Open Science Training Handbook version 1.0
Date: 	Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:30:47 +0200
From: 	Tony Ross-Hellauer <ajcross01 at gmail.com>
To: 	opencon-discussion-list at googlegroups.com

Dear colleagues,


The Open Science Training Handbook 1.0 is now available as a Gitbook at


The Handbook is available under Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication (CC0 1.0 Universal)
<https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/> and is oriented to
practical teaching of Open Science principles. It was written by 14
experts during a book sprint organized by FOSTER
<https://www.fosteropenscience.eu/> and theTIB Hannover
<https://www.tib.eu/en/> in February 2018. After including suggestions
from the community the handbook was moved to Github and we can announce
the release of version 1.0 now. The OSTH is meant to be a living
handbook and we are very happy to receive your contributions and
feedback about its use in practice, which we will consider while working
towards version 2.0.


Kind regards,


Tony Ross-Hellauer

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