[OK-AT] Fwd: Catherine Stihler appointed new CEO of Open Knowledge International

Stefan Kasberger stefan.kasberger at okfn.at
Fr Nov 30 12:18:53 UTC 2018


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Catherine Stihler appointed new CEO of Open Knowledge
Date: 	Fri, 30 Nov 2018 11:22:40 +0100
From: 	Lieke Ploeger <press at okfn.org>

Dear network members,

I'm delighted to share the news with you that Catherine Stihler has been
appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of Open Knowledge
I'm really excited, since her skills and insights will be a great asset
to both Open Knowledge International and the wider open movement. We
will find opportunities for more introductions to you once she is in place.

Below this email you can find our full announcement, which will go out
today via our blog
and other channels as well.
We look forward to welcoming Catherine to both Open Knowledge
International and our Open Knowledge Network.

Best regards,

Karin Christiansen.

Karin Christiansen
Executive Director

    *Catherine Stihler has been appointed as the new Chief Executive
    Officer of Open Knowledge International.*

    Catherine has years of experience in the creation and sharing of
    knowledge on the global stage. She will join the OKI team in
    February, and will stand down as an MEP at the end of January after
    an extraordinary career in EU policy-making spanning nearly 20 years.

    Catherine has served as an MEP for Scotland since 1999, where she
    lives with her husband and young children. In this role she has
    served as Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s Internal Market
    and Consumer Protection committee and authored influential reports
    and opinions that have shaped EU policy.

    She is also the former Rector of the University of St Andrews -
    where she received an honorary doctorate earlier this year. She has
    worked on digital policy, prioritising the digital single market,
    digital skills, citizen online data protection, copyright reform to
    support internet freedoms, and the role of Artificial Intelligence
    and automation.

    Catherine Stihler said:

    “I am relishing an exciting new challenge and opportunity with Open
    Knowledge International.

    “Digital skills and data use have always been a personal passion,
    and I am eager to assist groups across the world to create and share
    open knowledge, and encourage the next generation to understand that
    information is power which can be used to address poverty and other
    social challenges.”

    Tim Hubbard, Chair of the Open Knowledge International board, said:

    “We are delighted to welcome Catherine to our team. She has years of
    experience in shaping policy and using evidence and openness to help
    address global challenges such as climate change, internet freedoms
    and public health.  

    “Catherine has demonstrated an ability to bring people together,
    building coalitions and trust in a world that really needs it. She
    has translated complicated and technical knowledge around digital
    skills, copyright and AI to help shape European policy, making a
    real and lasting difference for hundreds of millions of people.

    “Her dynamism, energy and commitment will be invaluable for the open
    movement as we face the new challenges of the 21st century.” 

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