[OKFN-AU] Fwd: [OKFN-Local-Coord] Open Data Census - Call to Action!!

Christian Villum christian.villum at okfn.org
Wed Jun 5 11:00:20 UTC 2013

Hi Alex,

Great to hear that you're up for lending at hand to the Census!
I've now also added you to the Census Editor discussion list, where
questions and comments for the Census work can be posted.



Christian Villum

Community Manager, Open Government Data + Local Groups Network
skype: christianvillum  |  @villum <http://www.twitter.com/villum>
The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>
*Empowering through Open Knowledge
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On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Zara Rahman <zara.rahman at okfn.org> wrote:

>  Hi Alex - the spreadsheet has been shared with you now, thanks for taking
> up the role!
> Zara
> On 06/05/2013 03:54 AM, David F. Flanders wrote:
> Wonderful, thank you Alex :)
>  If ok with you I'll announce this role filled on the okfn-au blog?
>  Kind Regards, Flanders
> On 5 June 2013 11:51, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir <maxious at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I volunteer myself - I was already doing that, check the Submitted By
>> attribution on the Australian entries! ;)
>> I also maintain datacatalogs.org entries for Australia so if anybody is
>> launching a new portal (or there is one missing), let me know.
>>  Zara: Can I get access to edit the review spreadsheet, please?
>>  On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 11:26 AM, David F. Flanders <
>> david.flanders at ands.org.au> wrote:
>>>  Dear OKFN-au WG,
>>>  I'm hoping one of you might be willing to step up and act as the
>>> curator for making sure Australia is represented on the Open Data Census
>>> platform, see email from Zara (international OKFN coordinator) below.
>>>  This volunteer commitment would be approximately three days per year
>>> (broken up however you so please), including the following tasks:
>>>    - You would need to check census.okfn.org quarterly to make sure the
>>>    latest data is being made available.
>>>     - We would hope for at least one blog post on the OKFN-au blog per
>>>    year to provide an update on the international census data movement.
>>>     - Email updates to the national listserv of any census news of
>>>    interest.
>>>    - No coding skills are required for this task, as if it was found
>>>    that we needed to upload more data we would action an event or the like to
>>>    do so.  Though naturally we would need you involved in that event.
>>>    - Good article/blog writing skills, and social media skills
>>>    encouraged.
>>>    - This work may potentially lead into an international hack event on
>>>    international data day - further discussions will happen at OKFN-au of
>>>    which Pia and I will be attending this year as Ambassador for Australia.
>>>    - We are still working on the title of this role, but something like
>>>    "Australian Open Census Ambassador" <-- OKFN would look to provide an
>>>    official reference on your LinkedIn profile or the like for
>>>    this volunteer role.
>>>  Please note we'll be advertising for these volunteer ambassador roles
>>> on the OKFN-au blog however we'll always offer these responsibilities to
>>> our official working group first.  Please do suggest someone if you think
>>> they would be well situated to take on this volunteer role.
>>>  Further news:
>>>    - We'll also be adding everyone who ticked the 'yes please add me to
>>>    the OKFN listserv' from the GoHhack registration in the coming weeks :)
>>>    Stay tuned.
>>>    - Also further announcements with regards to Dr. Rufus Pollock's
>>>    visit in July coming soon.
>>>    - As always OKFN-au is looking to empower all open organisations in
>>>    Australia so please do let me know how we can help promote your open
>>>    efforts - together we can make more of a difference.
>>>  Kind Regards,  David F. Flanders
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Zara Rahman <zara.rahman at okfn.org>
>>> Date: 31 May 2013 00:50
>>> Subject: [OKFN-Local-Coord] Open Data Census - Call to Action!!
>>> To: Open Knowledge Foundation Local Coordinators Mailing List <
>>> okfn-local-coord at lists.okfn.org>, Christian Villum <
>>> christian.villum at okfn.org>
>>>  Hi everyone,
>>>  We want to improve the coverage of the Open Data Census (
>>> http://census.okfn.org/ <http://census.okfn.org/>) and verify existing
>>> contributions to ensure information is still up to date and reliable.
>>>  We need your help in doing this! There are 2 aspects:
>>>    -
>>>    Contributing on countries where there is missing information - you
>>>    can do this right now, just visit http://census.okfn.org/c<http://census.okfn.org/countries/>
>>>    ountry/
>>>     -
>>>    Reviewing existing contributions - you will need access to the review
>>>    spreadsheet<https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiWM2KV46Zt0dGxMVVo3c3JKZ2U0NHVzZVozSEJwdXc#gid=0>(just let us know and we can add you)
>>>  We would also like to appoint Open Data Census editors who would oversee
>>> a country or region.
>>>  This would involve a relatively small amount of time over the next
>>> couple of weeks (until June 12th) and would involve both adding
>>> information yourself and mobilizing input and expertise from colleagues
>>> to contribute.
>>>  If you are interested in being an editor please just reply to this
>>> mail (this way we can coordinate efforts). Or, simply go to
>>> http://census.okfn.org/countries/ add information directly!
>>> We look forward to hearing from you!
>>> Best,
>>> Zara, Christian, Rufus and the rest of the OKF team
>>>  --
>>> *Zara Rahman*
>>> *International Community Manager ** |  @ <https://twitter.com/rmounce>**
>>> zararah <https://twitter.com/zararah>***
>>> *The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>*
>>> *Empowering through Open Knowledge*
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>>> Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork>  |  Blog<http://blog.okfn.org/> |
>>> Newsletter <http://okfn.org/about/newsletter>*
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> OKFN-Local-Coord mailing list
>>> OKFN-Local-Coord at lists.okfn.org
>>> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-local-coord
>>> Unsubscribe: http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/options/okfn-local-coord
>>>  --
>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>> Flanders' Channels:
>>> blog: http://dfflanders.wordpress.com/
>>> twitter: http://twitter.com/dfflanders <https://twitter.com/dfflanders>
>>> skype: david.flanders
>>> mobile: 0407 821 686
>>>  _______________________________________________
>>> OKFN-AU mailing list
>>> OKFN-AU at lists.okfn.org
>>> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-au
>>> Unsubscribe: http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/options/okfn-au
>  --
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Flanders' Channels:
> blog: http://dfflanders.wordpress.com/
> twitter: http://twitter.com/dfflanders <https://twitter.com/dfflanders>
> skype: david.flanders
> mobile: 0407 821 686
> --
> *Zara Rahman*
> *International Community Manager ** |  @ <https://twitter.com/rmounce>**
> zararah <https://twitter.com/zararah>***
> *The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>*
> *Empowering through Open Knowledge*
> *http://okfn.org/  |  @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN>  |  OKF on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork> |
> Blog <http://blog.okfn.org/>  |  Newsletter<http://okfn.org/about/newsletter>
> *
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