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Sun Mar 31 09:34:23 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
From=3A Tennessee Leeuwenburg =3Ctleeuwenburg=40gmail=2Ecom=3E
Date=3A Friday=2C September 6=2C 2013 7=3A25
Subject=3A Re=3A =5B=40OKFNau=5D Robotics and Technology Road Trip idea =
- Request for help
To=3A =22A List for Open Knowledge Networks in Australia=2E=22 =3Cokfn-a=

Oh -- and I wouldn=27t run it as a charity or nonprofit=2C as the rules =
are restrictive=2E I also wouldn=27t choose to run under a RoboGals / fe=
male-focused banner unless that was what you wanted anyway=2E It=27s per=
fectly fine if your goal is to support women=2C but if your goal is more=
 broad then I don=27t think it will help tremendously=2E  =

Maybe you could end the roadshow at CeBit 2014 and host a stall with som=
e kind of mini robocup or technology demo as well=2E Give a bit of cerem=
ony to the whole thing=3F

On Thu=2C Sep 5=2C 2013 at 12=3A01 PM=2C Tennessee Leeuwenburg =3Ctleeuw=
enburg=40gmail=2Ecom=3E wrote=3A

Sounds like a fantastic idea! What time-frame did you have in mind=3F =

If you need to make enough money out of it to eat=2C you could possibly =
run it as an education roadshow=2C and apply for government grants=2E I =
think you=27d get a strong interest from schools in hosting visits=2C an=
d you=27d also get some interest from universities=2E You could conceiva=
bly partner up with a hardware seller like element14=2C lego or little b=
ird electronics for anyone who is interested to purchase appropriate kit=
s at a reasonable rate=2E You could have a showcase of DIY robots=2C but=
 also things like the Roomba as demonstration of commercially available =
robots=2C and of course kids toys are another commercial example of simp=
le robots=2E =

I think the main challenge would be the revenue model=2C and maybe grant=
s would be the way to go=2E Kickstarter is one way=2C but I feel like go=
vernment grants would be more effective=2E The Australian Computer Socie=
ty also provides some money for conferences such as PyCon=2C and they mi=
ght be very happy to sponsor a leg of a roadshow as well=2E


On Wed=2C Aug 28=2C 2013 at 5=3A39 PM=2C Maia Sauren =3Cmaia=2Esauren=40=
gmail=2Ecom=3E wrote=3A

hey samantha=2C  =

this sounds like a great idea=2E =

i work for thoughtworks in melbourne=2E happy to help with having those =
conversations if that=27s where you=27re at=2E

maia =

maia sauren=2C phd
maia=2Esauren=40gmail=2Ecom =7C +61408824846 =7C =40sauramaia

On 28 August 2013 12=3A55=2C A List for Open Knowledge Networks in Austr=
alia=2E =3Cokfn-au=40lists=2Eokfn=2Eorg=3E wrote=3A

Hi All=2C
please let me know if this is breach of spamming but I=27ve got a dream =
I would like to share=2E

Robotics and Technology Road Trip - Request for help
I want to take Robotics and Technology based workshops all around Austra=
lia to Promote Engineering and Technology to young people (Or at least p=
romote why Maths=2C Science and Technology are important in High School)=
=2E There could also be a focus on careers=2E I created Robogals UTas=2C=
 have run quite a few Lego Robotics Workshops and I know I can take it f=
Alongside or before this road trip I want to create a website to support=
 Technology based videos/workshops and release them under a creative com=
mons licence so people can change them and create their own=2E The websi=
te could be similar to http=3A//www=2Edrgraeme=2Enet/ but have an update=
d look and feel like http=3A//www=2Ecodecademy=2Ecom/ =2E =

Now I would love to do all of this work for free but unfortunately I nee=
d some modest income to live off=2E So I=92m currently looking into fund=
ing options=2E I will even look into a kick starter-esk crowd funding ca=
mpaign to see what I can source there=2E There will also be lots of appl=
ications for grants and a lot of conversations to be had=2E
This is where I need help=2C I=92m not an expert in media=2C business=2C=
 education=2C intellectual property or websites and I=92m looking for an=
y advice/ideas/assistance that you can provide=2E What do you think is g=
ood/bad about this idea=3F I need constructive criticism just as much as=
 great support to ensure I don=92t develop unrealistic expectations=2E
I=92ve got many options=2E E=2Eg=2E I could run it under Robogals and na=
me it the Great Australian Robogals Roadtrip (GARR) for short but being =
a non for profit may cause some issues with crowd funding and I=92m not =
sure if I want the =93female=94 focus that comes with Robogals=2E I coul=
d run it as my own business or under another organisation=2E E=2Eg=2E so=
me people from ThoughtWorks and the Python Software Foundation might be =
able to help=2E I can=92t start all of these conversations myself though=
=2C so any help spreading the word would also be greatly appreciated=2E =
I=92m thinking of engaging my old college to help with media=2E I want t=
he focus of my efforts to be on education and open technologies=2E

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated =5E=5F=5E=2E

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