[@OKFNau] Open Budget Event (budget night)

Rosie Williams budgetaus at hotmail.com
Sat May 3 07:35:22 UTC 2014

Dear all, 
I would like to draw your attention to the event that I am organising beginning on budget night - Tue 13th. Please consider this your invitation. This is a celebration of the first ever release of the Australian Federal budget data in usable formats.
On budget night we will begin drawing in questions through social media from the general public on budget funding and transparency issues. This will be done through our panel which includes our own OKFNAU Chair, Nicholas Gruen, Ben Spies-Butcher and esteemed journalists Wendy Bacon and Margo Kingston. 
I am still recruiting data viz people for the night to participate either on site or remotely. There should be a Google hangout operating. The data viz people will be working with the panel to create visualisations from the budget data files (some of which will not be published till the night of the 14th) based on what the public or the panel want to know about the data.
I encourage people to post visualisations to their own blogs to help distribute traffic away from InfoAus.net and to promote their own skills. People can obviously do their own thing with the data too.
If you would like to participate as a blogger or data viz please add yourself to the event page and watch the page for updates.

Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)________________________________________

 NoFibs.com.au - Open Data Reporter InfoAus.net - Founder and Developer  Open Knowledge Foundation Australia - Open Spending Ambassador
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