[@OKau] Contrasting 2 data sets (grants funding data)

Pia Waugh pia.waugh at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 19:44:54 UTC 2015

This is really useful Rosie, nice work! I've ccd the data.gov.au team as
this kind of quantitative feedback really needs to also go back to the data
custodian. Did you send it to DSS or Queensland Communities? Might be worth
doing so to encourage improvements.

Cheers and keep up the great work,
On 31/03/2015 1:49 PM, "Rosie Williams" <budgetaus at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I'd like to share my latest blog post which compares two data sets one by
> Federal and the other by state custodians. There are pros and cons to both
> data sets:
> http://infoaus.net/wp/does-the-data-make-a-difference/
> I will add that the DSS data was very very difficult to work with as I
> don't think a single column in the table was free of error. There were
> values missing from just about every column somewhere along the line and a
> lot of the data seems incorrect according to the specification. Having said
> that, I realise it is early days with the new guidelines and I have
> positive expectations of the future as DSS is very good with data in my
> past experience with them.
> All the code in the BudgetAus examples is original code of mine (excepting
> Twitter bootstrap, Jquery etc). The time line displays which sit at the top
> of the page do not appear in the mobile version and I have not tested these
> sites on very large screens or different devices as both sites have been
> coded by myself over the past week or so. Having said that if there are
> layout issues on different devices/screen widths it would help to know
> about that.
> Sorry if the server is slow - I need to upgrade.
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
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