[@OKau] We need to talk...

Steven De Costa steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au
Thu Jun 4 20:06:08 UTC 2015

Sorry for the delay!

The video appears to be stuck at 95% processed :( I'll try loading it up
again, which will take another eight hours...

Who needs NBN, right?

*EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au

On 4 June 2015 at 04:43, Steven De Costa <steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au>

> Sorry about that.
> I'm trying to get the video up now... give me a little longer and then
> everyone can get the same intro as those at IODC ;)
> The plan is:
>    1. Get the video up
>    2. Email this list to share the idea
>    3. Discuss on this list to see if folks likle it, have questions,
>    would be happy to help curate, etc
>    4. Do a general blog post on au.oklfn.org about it
>    5. Promote the idea throughout the OK network globally and receive
>    more input.
>    6. Lastly to then curate, edit and publish (probably as a resource
>    within the open data handbook)
> Cheers,
> Steven
> *EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au
> On 3 June 2015 at 23:20, Steve Bennett <stevage at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Steven,
>>   We're dying of suspense. What is it??
>> Steve
>> On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Steven De Costa <
>> steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au> wrote:
>>> I might have launched an international effort led by okfnau today ;)
>>> I will update folks but it is nothing major. I could have done it as a
>>> Link Digital initiative but really wanted to push AU and OK this week.
>>> Hope that is ok and hope people will help ;)
>>> It should be cool. I have a video of it all that I'll publish on YouTube
>>> next week. That will explain things :)
>>> On a gold plated side note I've done everything to promote the AU this
>>> week. I honestly think if no one was here we would have looked totally
>>> crap. The IODC was a significant opportunity to update the global community
>>> on which countries are 'in the movement'. Zero representation would have
>>> made us look totally lame.
>>> We can't afford to miss such opportunities in the future so I will be
>>> trying to work out how okau can sponsor key people to attend the next one.
>>> That will be October 2016 so we have time to work it all out :)
>>> But, it's a sigh of relief. We all know locally that AU is awesome and
>>> totally 'in the movement'. I think we've done ok this time.
>>> The event I hosted had around 80 attendees. The CKANcon I spoke at also
>>> had around 80. In total the event had around 2000 folks. I had great
>>> meetings with lots of awesome people and hardly attended sessions (that
>>> happens).
>>> There are opportunities for Australia and after I return I need to speak
>>> with a few groups before then socializing whether these opportunities are
>>> things the okau folks would agree to support.
>>> It is really awesome stuff so I expect people will love it :)
>>> Hoots!
>>> --
>>> *EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au
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