[@OKau] Nominate a Tech Contact Point in your Local Group

Steven De Costa steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au
Mon May 11 01:18:35 UTC 2015

Hi Paul,

I'll nominate Mark Gregson who joined Link Digital a few moths back. I'm
keen for him to get as much exposure into OK stuff as possible :)

Alex Sadleir and I can certainly ping him on anything we see going on and I
expect that others like Steve Bennett and Rosie will be able to continue
sharing via this list to make sure the good work from Australia is getting

Mark was previously with QUT and has domain experience in the GLAM sector -
most relevantly within Libraries.

Either way - will put it in as a nomination. No stress if someone else can
step in and take on the role.


*EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au

On 10 May 2015 at 16:09, Paul Walsh <paulywalsh at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I raised this on list a few months ago.
> At OKFN Labs (http://okfnlabs.org/) we are looking to have stronger
> engagement with local groups. All of us involved in Labs are volunteering
> our time to give light to interesting projects around the network and
> beyond, by providing a channel to share and make new connections.
> Instead of reproducing in full, I’ve included Rufus’ message below. If
> anyone is interested in being a point of contact, of course you could fill
> out the form linked to below, or perhaps discuss here on list?
> Best,
> Paul
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>
> *Subject: **Request: Nominate a Tech Contact Point in your Local Group*
> Hi All,
> I am writing in my capacity as one of the volunteer coordinators of Labs
> <http://okfnlabs.org/> :-)
> I am writing to ask for local groups to *nominate *one* person as a
> contact point for tech-type stuff* in their local group using this
> following really simple form (just 3 fields!)
> Simple Google Form for Nominating Tech Contact
> <https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/forms/d/1Cdr1sduin4G1I3upWVKA0k4f8_aZES7xj9qYwnhCwck/viewform>
> *Why am I asking?* (See also this labs github issue
> <https://github.com/okfn/okfn.github.com/issues/329>)
> - We want to be able to contact local groups to get tech-related stories
> for the regular Labs newsletter
> <https://github.com/okfn/okfn.github.com/issues/322>
> - We want to be able to notify local groups about the regular Labs
> hangouts <http://okfnlabs.org/events/hangouts/> and invite people to
> attend and share the cool stuff they have been doing locally
> - We want to find out more about the cool tech-related projects and events
> that local groups are doing (cf the newsletter)
> *What will be expected of the nominated person?*
> - There is minimal time commitment - minimum would be 10m a month to
> respond to a "anything interesting happen last month" ping and to forward
> on the newsletter
> - Would hope that nominated person would participate the Labs forum
> <https://discuss.okfn.org/c/open-knowledge-labs> - but not required
> - The nomination need not be permanent - perhaps just for an initial 6m
> Regards,
> Rufus
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