[@OKau] How can we fund important Open Source projects?

Rosie Williams BudgetAus at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 9 23:13:09 UTC 2015

I don't often recommend hackfests but wouldn't that be a way to get stuff done on CKAN?

Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
 NoFibs.com.au<http://nofibs.com.au> - Open Data Reporter | OpenAus<https://openaus.net.au> - Founder and Developer

From: okfn-au <okfn-au-bounces at lists.okfn.org> on behalf of Steven De Costa <steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au>
Sent: Saturday, 7 November 2015 11:41 AM
To: A List for Open Knowledge Networks in Australia.
Subject: [@OKau] How can we fund important Open Source projects?

I wrote this from the perspective of a commercial company owner/operator but am very interested in a more broad perspective from those who value the for-good benefit of open data.


Would you put $5 toward a github pull request every so often and help fund developers around the world in making contributions toward open source projects?

Please note I've raise the potential of running a trial via OK Australia's books if there was interest, so such a thing would be pending approval from our executive Board :)



[http://www.linkdigital.com.au/email/logo-apn-acp-agp.png]  [https://association.drupal.org/files/Drupal_Association_sup_partner_80.png]  [http://www.linkdigital.com.au/email/ckan_association.jpg]

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