[@OKau] Childcare at GovHack

Lachlan Musicman datakid at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 05:13:51 UTC 2015

Thanks for your message Kristy, much appreciated.

FWIW, and I probably should have made this clearer, 0-2 year olds were
*very* welcome. We just weren't willing to have them in childcare.

Previously we have had participants of very young children come and keep
their children with them - we have no problem with that.

Unfortunately we do (or did) have financial boundaries, and our
understanding was that the very young children need more attention for
safety rather than demanding personality. And I decided that our budget was
better spent looking after more 3-5s and 6-11s than 0-2s

I'd be interested to hear what other parents think about child care support
for the very young.


The most dangerous phrase in the language is, "We've always done it this

- Grace Hopper

On 2 September 2015 at 14:58, Kristy Schirmer <kristy at zockmelon.com.au>

> Hi Lachlan,
> My partner and I participated in GovHack in Adelaide in 2013, at the time
> we had a 2.5 year old. I contacted the Adelaide team to see if we could
> bring our son in at different stages over the weekend, and to my delight
> Gail and co. were happy to accommodate this and even were able to have a
> few volunteers on site to amuse him, play cards while we were in
> competition mode (from memory we were in the same room). Without this
> flexibility we simply would not have been able to participate.
> My only suggestion is to rethink the policy of no 0-2 year olds. With
> little babies they often need to be at arm's reach for breastfeeding mums.
> I would urge you to reconsider this as this could be a enabler/barrier for
> parents of younger babies.
> Thanks for writing up your experiences and your leadership on this. As a
> female, relatively new to the entrepreneur and start up environment, and
> mum of 2 kids under school age, your initiative to think about child care
> provisions is greatly appreciated.
> Kristy
> *Kristy Schirmer | **Principal Consultant **| **Ph: 0438 645 012
> <0438%20645%20012>*
> <http://www.zockmelon.com.au/>
> <http://twitter.com/zockmelon>   <http://www.facebook.com/zockmelon>
> <http://eepurl.com/AGcwv>
> On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Lachlan Musicman <datakid at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I've written a blog post on the site about providing childcare at GovHack
>> 2015.
>> http://au.okfn.org/2015/08/22/childcare-at-govhack-how-it-was-done/
>> Cheers
>> L.
>> ------
>> The most dangerous phrase in the language is, "We've always done it this
>> way."
>> - Grace Hopper
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