[okfn-be] Introduction

Saskia Scheltjens Saskia.Scheltjens at UGent.be
Fri Oct 28 06:55:08 UTC 2011

Hi all,

Congrats to Pieter to get this going! As a librarian, I can't imagine NOT being interested in open data...

I too work at Ghent University were I'm setting up a large library for the Arts & Philosophy faculty by 2014. Visualization of library data [1], development of new library tools [2] and initiatives related to digital humanities [3] is where my interests lie. All would benefit by open data initiatives in my point of view.

Although not too technically inclined, would love to help.

Regards, Saskia

Homepage:  http://www.flw.ugent.be
Twitter: http://twitter.com/saschel

[1] www.archimuse.com/publishing/ichim05/Legrady.pdf<http://www.archimuse.com/publishing/ichim05/Legrady.pdf>
[2] http://www.rss4lib.com/library-labs.html
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_humanities
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