[okfn-be] EWI opens up research data!

Gwen Franck gwen at creativecommons.org
Mon Oct 21 10:17:38 UTC 2013


I don't want to spoil the fun, but as far as I know, EWI's plans are still
in a very preliminary phase  and announcing the intention to open up
research doesn't cost much (they did it last year with the Brussels
Declaration on Open Access - I wrote that, and it was pretty easy to
convince them of signing, but nothing much happened afterwards)

We've seen similar things with research funders such as FWO and FNRS, and
all universities (apart from Ghent and Liège, that have an Open Access
mandate in place) : everybody's convinced of the value of OA (please also
note that OA does not equal OA publishing - OA can also be achieved through
self - archiving, and this is in most cases the focus of mandates) - but
there is a lot of difference between that and applying it in practice. FWO
has OA in it's statutes for ages, but I have never met a single researcher
actually knowing about this ...

But I don't want to be too pessimistic, and OKFN supporting EWI in these
endeavours will hopefully provide some extra moral pressure to actually
create policies and move away from mere declaration of intentions :)


Open Access Belgium - www.openaccess.be

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Philippe Duchesne <pduchesne at gmail.com>wrote:

> Not that i know of (but i'm far from knowing it all of course) ; i'll dig
> into that.
> --p.
> On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Nicolas Pettiaux <nicolas at pettiaux.be>wrote:
>> Much thanks Katleen.
>> This is great news indeed.
>> Do any of you on this list know if there is any similar official
>> initiative in Wallonia ?
>> If yes, could you give us more information.
>> Much thanks,
>> Nicolas
>> 2013/10/17 Katleen Janssen <Katleen.Janssen at kuleuven.be>
>>>  Hi all,****
>>> ** **
>>> New blog post on Open Access on OKNF BE:
>>> http://okfn.be/2013/10/17/ewi-opens-up-research-data/****
>>> On October 21st, the 6th edition of Open Access Week<http://www.openaccessweek.org/>kicks off. This global event is a key opportunity to bring open access to
>>> the attention of policy makers, public bodies, researchers, funding
>>> organisations, and the general public. Open access to scientific
>>> information increases the exchange of knowledge, facilitates the finding of
>>> new solutions in medicine, biochemistry, food security, or climate change –
>>> to name but a few.****
>>> Therefore, OKFN BE is delighted to hear that Flanders’ government department
>>> on economy, science and innovation <http://www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/en>(EWI) plans to find
>>> a new way to publish scientific research<http://datanews.knack.be/ict/nieuws/vlaanderen-wil-onderzoeksresultaten-publiek-beschikbaar-maken/article-4000423180851.htm>.
>>> In a first step, it is targeting open access to scientific publications,
>>> and in a second phase, it also wants to see open scientific data. This is
>>> fully in line with the vision of OKFN, so we applaud this decision and we
>>> would be happy to join hands with EWI in spreading the open data message.
>>> ****
>>> By promoting open access, EWI will be fully in line with Horizon 2020<http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm>,
>>> the new research framework of the European Union. Under Horizon 2020,
>>> results from research funded by EU grants will have to be made available to
>>> the public, in order to stimulate the re-use of these results. Horizon 2020
>>> will start in 2014 and has a 70 billion €<http://www.euractiv.com/innovation-enterprise/irish-clinch-agreement-horizon-r-news-528877>budget. That’s a lot of research that will be opened up!
>>> ****
>>> If you have any ideas on how we can support EWI in its plans, let us
>>> know!****
>>> Best regards,****
>>> Katleen ** **
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>> Nicolas Pettiaux - +32 496 24 55 01 - http://rmll.info -
>> http://lepacte.be
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Gwen Franck
Creative Commons
Regional Coordinator Europe
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