[okfn-be] Open Data Barometer for Belgium

Samuel Goëta samgoeta at gmail.com
Sun Sep 1 09:26:32 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

I am completing my survey of Belgium today.

If you have any insights to share with me on civil society and companies
releasing open data as well as on the impact of open data on Belgium, this
is the last day.

Thanks a lot for your help


*Samuel Goëta* // +33646746441 // @samgoeta

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Samuel Goëta <samgoeta at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear members of the OKF Belgium,
> I am a board member of the OKF France local group and also doing my thesis
> on open data. Currently I am also a researcher for the Open Data Barometer<http://www.opendataresearch.org/project/2013/odb>led by the World
> Wide Web Foundation <http://www.webfoundation.org/> and I am in charge of
> stuyding open data in Belgium. The Open Data Barometer is being carried out
> in more than 80 diverse countries around the world, and involves an expert
> survey that will be combined with other existing indicator datasets.
> This survey needs the help as your expertise would allow me to fill some
> questions I cannot get answers without your kind help. Here are some
> questions for which I would need your help :
> *1) Do you know if any civil society organisations have released open
> data? *
> *
> *
> *2) What companies release open data in Belgium? *
> *
> *
> *3) Do you know cases in which open data had an impact on: *
> *          * government accountability
>           * increasing efficiency of government*
> *          * environmental sustainability *
> *          * the inclusion of marginalised groups *
> *          * the economy*
> *          * the creation of new businesses in the country?*
> Please note that unless otherwise agreed, any information you provide may
> be included in their survey responses with you or your organisation
> attributed as a source for this information. Edited responses from these
> surveys will be published alongside the final Open Data Barometer,
> including details of the sources.
> I would really appreciate if you could send me your response, even
> partial, as soon as possible. The deadline for this study is next Monday.
> Do not hesitate to reply to just one question or give me just a link, any
> help is more than welcome.
> Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
> Thanks again for you kind help.
> Best
> Samuel
> --
> *Samuel Goëta* // +33646746441 // @samgoeta
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