[okfn-be] Last reminder: tomorrow it's OKFN general assembly time

Pieter Colpaert pieter.colpaert at okfn.org
Tue Jun 24 12:52:57 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Just as a last reminder (we are finalising catering and such): tomorrow 
we hold our general assembly during Open Antwerp at IdeaLabs (there are 
still 15 spots remaining). If you didn't register already, please do so 
over here:


Things that are going to be discussed:
  * The local open data census: how can we evaluate cities/regions and 
their open data efforts?
  * Changes in the board
  * A short overview by the leads of our active working groups (summer 
of code, the open belgium events, open street map, open transport 
(iRail) and creative commons)
  * the finances

We serve sandwiches and drinks in between.

Kind regards,



+32 486 74 71 22

Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium

Open Transport Working Group OKFN

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