[okfn-br] Fwd: Brazil's Open Data Portal to launch on April 2012, beta version avaliable now
Everton Zanella Alvarenga
everton137 em gmail.com
Quarta Janeiro 4 14:01:00 UTC 2012
Parabéns, Augusto e time!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Augusto Herrmann <>
Date: 2011/12/27
Subject: Re: [open-government] Brazil's Open Data Portal to launch on
April 2012, beta version avaliable now
To: Open Government WG List <open-government em lists.okfn.org>
Just a little correction. The launch will be in April 16th, during the
annual Open Government Parnership conference on the Brazilian captial,
Brasília. The schedule is displayed on OGP's site [1].
[1] http://www.opengovpartnership.org/calendar/grid/2012-04
Best regards,
Augusto Herrmann
On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Augusto Herrmann
<augusto.herrmann em gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'd like to let you know that in Brazil we are preparing to launch our
> Open Data Portal dados.gov.br next March. A beta version, however, is
> already available at beta.dados.gov.br. I have just translated the
> press release [1][2] about this. What's new about this initiative is
> that society's been invited to particiate in building the portal. Our
> public ticket tracking system is at http://dev.dados.gov.br/tarefas/
> and the code repository is at http://dev.dados.gov.br/codigo/ .
> One of the main tasks we need done before the March 2012 launch
> deadline is writing a custom theme [3] for CKAN, so if you can help
> with that, we would be very grateful! We had already done that for
> CKAN version 1.4, but then decided to upgrade to CKAN 1.5 and had to
> start over.
> If you'd like to know more about this open participation process,
> please see a previous post [4] on the OKFn blog which had a call for
> participation. We'd like to do another one in the future reporting our
> experience with this model.
> As the process is open, we also welcome any comments, suggestions or
> critics you might have. BTW, the open data project documentation is
> also open for everyone to see [5] (but is in portuguese only).
> [1] http://www.planejamento.gov.br/noticia.asp?p=not&cod=7938&cat=94&sec=7
> [2] http://softwarelivre.org/dados-abertos/blog/ministry-of-planning-launches-preview-of-open-data-portal
> [3] http://dev.dados.gov.br/tarefas/ticket/34
> [4] http://blog.okfn.org/2011/06/09/sprint-for-brazilian-data-catalogue-dados-gov-br/
> [5] http://wiki.gtinda.ibge.gov.br/
> Best regards,
> Augusto Herrmann
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open-government em lists.okfn.org
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