[okfn-br] Fwd: What does democracy look like? Maybe -- the bus
Carolina Rossini
carolina.rossini em gmail.com
Terça Dezembro 10 09:37:23 UTC 2013
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From: This week on TED.com <no-reply em ted.com>
Date: Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 10:59 AM
Subject: What does democracy look like? Maybe -- the bus
To: carolina.rossini em gmail.com
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This week on TED.com
December 8, 2013
Talk of the
Enrique Peñalosa: Why buses represent democracy in
14:17 minutes · Filmed Sep 2013 · Posted Dec 2013 · TEDCity2.0
"An advanced city is not one where even the poor use cars, but rather one
where even the rich use public transport," says Enrique Peñalosa. In this
spirited talk, the former mayor of Bogotá shares some of the tactics he
used to change the system in the Colombian capital ... and suggests ways to
think about building smart cities of the future.
Watch now »<http://ted.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=07487d1456302a286cf9c4ccc&id=6b3c1628c8&e=456eee993f>
Playlist of the week
Open-source, open world (9
Embrace our wide-open shareable future -- where everything's hackable and
the power of the crowd propels innovation. Watch
Total run time 2:15:51
More from TED.com
David Lang is a maker who taught himself to become an amateur oceanographer
-- or, he taught a robot to be one for him. In a charming talk Lang, a TED
Fellow, shows how he and a network of ocean lovers teamed up to build
open-sourced, low-cost underwater explorers. Watch
It's time for liberals and conservatives to transcend their political
differences and really listen to each other, says political pundit Sally
Kohn. In this optimistic talk, Kohn shares what she learned as a
progressive lesbian talking head on Fox News. It’s not about political
correctness, she says, but rather, emotional correctness. (Contains
profanity.) Watch
It's relatively easy to imagine a new medicine, a better cure for some
disease. The hard part, though, is testing it, and that can delay promising
new cures for years. In this well-explained talk, Geraldine Hamilton shows
how her lab creates organs and body parts on a chip, simple structures with
all the pieces essential to testing new medications -- even custom cures
for one specific person. *(Filmed at TEDxBoston)* Watch
Here's a stat worth knowing: In the UK, 63% of men who finish short-term
prison sentences are back inside within a year for another crime. Helping
them stay outside involves job training, classes, therapy. And it would pay
off handsomely -- but the government can't find the funds. Toby Eccles
shares an imaginative idea for how to change that: the Social Impact Bond.
It's an unusual bond that helps fund initiatives with a social goal through
private money -- with the government paying back the investors (with
interest) if the initiatives work. Watch
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the* TED Blog<http://ted.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=07487d1456302a286cf9c4ccc&id=85237030d5&e=456eee993f>:
A fiery Q&A with Sheryl
meet a young
New Delhi ... and: what's it like to be a blind
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Quote of the Week “
[The U.S. has] an economy of influence — an economy with lobbyists at the
center, which feeds on polarization. It feeds on dysfunction. The worse
that it is for us, the better that it is for this fundraising."
*Lawrence Lessig*
Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must
Join the Conversation
What living artist would you love to collaborate
Started by James Stewart
Do we learn faster in
Started by Poch Peralta
“ Amily Shaw on
Sally Kohn: Let’s try emotional
Thanks for reminding us how much energy it will save for parties to
listen to each other and generate solutions. Not sure about the word
"correctness" though. It seems to me it implies a "right vs. wrong" mindset
that generally and naturally leads to a "win vs. lose" fight. I think the
point is about a solution that satisfies both and not about being correct
or not."
the power of purpose
Simon Sinek shows how to find -- and share -- your true purpose, at work
and in life. Plus, great bloggers inspired by Sinek’s work share their own
big ideas. On the latest TEDWeekends on the Huffington Post
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*Carolina Rossini*
*Project Director, Latin America Resource Center*
Open Technology Institute
*New America Foundation*
+ 1 6176979389
*carolina.rossini em gmail.com*
skype: carolrossini
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