[okfn-br] [OKFN-Local-Coord] Governments supportive of public registries of beneficial ownership?

Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton.alvarenga em okfn.org
Segunda Setembro 2 04:17:26 UTC 2013

Informação interessante para reforçar a importância desse assunto:

"We see the same democratic deficit in corporations. The majority of the
world's biggest economic entities are now
not countries. They are run by CEOs who are unelected and unaccountable to
any citizens; they are responsible only to their shareholders, and their
mandate is to turn as much profit as possible at whatever cost to human
life or the planet.

These corporations often have more power than the governments of the
countries in which they operate. One reason for this is that the WTO and
most FTAs enforce "investor-state dispute agreements" that allow
corporations to sue local governments for legislation that compromises
their profits, like minimum wage laws or pollution laws."

>From *The truth about extreme global
*, by Jason Hickel.

I recommend to see this video also Global Wealth
 "The richest 300 people in the world are more wealthy than the poorest 3
billion combined, and every year rich countries take over 10 times more
money from poor countries than they give in aid."

2013/8/22 Adriano Belisário <adrianobf em gmail.com>

> Bem interessante, Everton! Tem tudo a ver com o Proprietários, sim. Já me
> cadastrei na lista openspending e mando um email dizendo o que estamos
> fazendo e como podemos somar aqui no Brasil pra lá em breve...  []s

Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
OKF Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
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