[okfn-br] URGENTE ---- Encerramento de prazo para pré-registro para o NETmundial Fwd: [retps]

Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton.alvarenga em okfn.org
Sexta Fevereiro 28 23:24:46 UTC 2014

Pessoal, alguém aqui da nossa rede vai participar ou se inscreveu?

Eu vou estar em San Francisco na data apresentando um projeto que estamos
fazendo em parceria com a UNICAMP e a Educa Digital (em breve anunciamos!),
mas acho super importante ter alguém lá.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vagner Diniz <vagner em nic.br>
Date: 2014-02-28 19:49 GMT-03:00
Subject: [retps] URGENTE ---- Encerramento de prazo para pré-registro para
o NETmundial
To: retps em googlegroups.com


hoje termina o prazo de manifestação de interesse em participar do
Netmundial, a Conferência Global Multissetorial sobre o Futuro da
Governança da Internet (http://netmundial.br/pt/). Já tem 700 manifestações
de interesse e vai haver um trabalho de revisão para manter um balanço de
gênero, geográfico e de segmentos.

Quem tiver interesse na Conferência lembro que a justificativa para querer
participar é o principal item do formulário. Instruções abaixo.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: *NETMundial - Press Office* <press em netmundial.br>
Date: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 8:10 PM
Subject: [discuss] NETmundial
To: discuss em 1net.org

 This message aims at encouraging any person or organization interested in
participating in the Internet Governance debate, to send article
contributions to the upcoming 'NET Mundial' meeting that will take place in
São Paulo, Brazil, on 23rd  and 24th  April 2014. The website of the
meeting (*http://netmundial.org <http://netmundial.org> *) is available in
seven different languages which are constantly updated, so it's recommended
to visit it frequently. The channel for article submissions is this
page: *http://content.netmundial.br/
<http://content.netmundial.br/>* and the contributions will be accepted
until March 8th.

This meeting is centered on two issues for its two-day program:

    1. Principles for Internet Governance.

   2. Roadmap for the evolution of the Internet Governance ecosystem.

If you are interested in attending the meeting, please express your
interest by filling the form at
http://content.netmundial.br/interests/expression until 28th February but
bear in mind that the conference attendance will be limited by the capacity
of the venue. So, the interests expressed in the above form will be
evaluated by the organizing committee in order to selectively emit
individual invitations. In this process, the organizing committee will make
sure to reach a good balance of representation of all the different
nationalities and sectors (governments, civil society, academia, technical
community, business) among the invitations.

There will be wide online coverage of the meeting for anyone that wants to
participate remotely. As we encourage the creation of hubs around the
world, the meeting will have remote participation facilities organized by
the Logistics Organizational Committee.

discuss mailing list
discuss em 1net.org


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Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
OKF Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
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