[okfn-br] Apply now to participate in the Institute for Open Leadership
Everton Zanella Alvarenga
everton.alvarenga em okfn.org
Sexta Maio 23 22:02:14 UTC 2014
"Earlier this week, we kicked
Policy Network <http://openpolicynetwork.org/>. We announced that the first
project within the Network is the Institute for Open
The Institute for Open Leadership is a training program to develop new
leaders in education, science, public policy, and other fields on the
values and implementation of openness in licensing, policies, and
practices. The Institute is looking for passionate public- and
private-sector professionals interested in learning more about openness and
wish to develop and implement an open policy in their field.
Interested applicants should review the application
information<http://openpolicynetwork.org/iol/#apply>and submit an
application by *June
30, 2014*. We plan to invite about 15 fellows to participate in the first
round of the Institute for Open Leadership. The in-person portion of the
Institute will be held in the San Francisco bay area in January 2015 (TBD:
either January 12-16 or January 19-23). Applications are open to
individuals anywhere in the world."
Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
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