[okfn-br] Curso de Open Knowledge no Coursera
Carine Roos
carine.roos em gmail.com
Sábado Maio 31 11:38:36 UTC 2014
Bacana o programa do Curso, Edgar!
Obrigada por compartilhar aqui :-)
Em 31/05/2014 00:52, <edgar em ymonad.com> escreveu:
> Open Knowledge: Changing the Global Course of Learning
> http://online.stanford.edu/node/393
> Open source, open science, open data, open access, open education,
> open learning -- this course provides an introduction to the important
> concept of openness from a variety of perspectives, including education,
> publishing, librarianship, economics, politics, and more, and asks you
> to discover what it means to you. Open Knowledge is international and
> multi-institutional, bringing together instructors and students from
> Canada, Ghana, Mexico, the United States, and the rest of the world.
> It will challenge you take control of your own education, to determine
> your own personal learning objectives, to contribute to the development
> of the curriculum, to reflect on your progress, to learn new digital
> skills,
> and to take a leadership role in the virtual classroom. It will also
> provide
> you with the opportunity to connect with colleagues from different
> countries
> and professions, and to better understand areas where your interests
> overlap
> and where unexpected distincts exist. We hope you’ll consider taking this
> journey with us.
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