[okfn-br] Fwd: [LyonDCL] IFLA launches toolkit to support Lyon Declaration Signatories to advocate for access to information in the UN post-2015 development agenda
Carolina Rossini
carolina.rossini em gmail.com
Terça Outubro 7 19:32:15 UTC 2014
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From: Stuart Hamilton <Stuart.Hamilton em ifla.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 4:24 AM
Subject: [LyonDCL] IFLA launches toolkit to support Lyon Declaration
Signatories to advocate for access to information in the UN post-2015
development agenda
To: "lyondcl em infoserv.inist.fr" <lyondcl em infoserv.inist.fr>
Dear Colleagues
[Apologies for cross-posting]
I’m very pleased to send you an update on the status of the Lyon
Declaration, and to announce the launch of a new toolkit which will help
signatories advocate for our objectives at national levels.
The Lyon Declaration now has over 350 signatories. The signatories are
truly global, from small libraries to huge associations, from development
organisations working with access to information or ICTs, to human rights
advocates and journalist associations. We are extremely pleased to have
seen such a strong take up in such a short time since the launch on August
18th. We are adding more signatories every week and we encourage you to
share the Declaration with your networks and national press and bring more
organisations on board.
Since the launch we have been concentrating on fulfilling our promise to
create an advocacy toolkit to support library institutions and associations
and other civil society organisations to advocate for the role of access to
information in the post-2015 development agenda. The toolkit provides
background on the issues and practical advice on how to set up meetings
with government representatives. Template letters, talking points and
examples of how libraries help meet development goals are included. It has
been launched this week and is available for download from the IFLA website
at: http://www.ifla.org/libraries-development/toolkit/
The toolkit will empower you to take the “asks” of the *Lyon Declaration *to
policy makers in your country, and for that message to be heard at the UN.
To achieve that, meetings with a large number of Member States need to be
held. We hope that signatories of the Lyon Declaration will ask the UN
Member States to:
· Acknowledge the public's right to access information and data,
while respecting the right to individual privacy;
· Recognise the important role of local authorities, information
intermediaries and infrastructure such as ICTs and an open Internet as a
means of implementation.
· Adopt policy, standards and legislation to ensure the continued
funding, integrity, preservation and provision of information by
governments, and access by people;
· Develop targets and indicators that enable measurement of the
impact of access to information and data and reporting on progress during
each year of the goals in a Development and Access to Information (DA2I)
The timeline until the final post-2015 goals are decided is short. If
access to information is to be part of the discussion, action needs to be
taken *now* and until September 2015.
This urgency is echoed by Her Royal Highness Princess Laurentien of the
Netherlands who was present at the Declaration’s launch in Lyon:
*“I hope you will agree that collecting signatures for the [Lyon]
Declaration is a start, not a result. So in that sense, I also invite you
start thinking about what you will do on Friday, once the conference is
over. Who will you call? What will you tell him or her? And what strategic
and ambitious goals will that phone call pursue?” *Her Royal Highness
Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands, speech at the IFLA World Library
and Information Congress in August 2014
Our objective is that on 1 January 2016, Lyon Declaration signatories will
be ready to support implementation of the new development agenda, and that
governments will be seeking your involvement. To achieve this, we need all
of you to get involved!
*Next Steps*
Read and use the toolkit! Set up meetings with your representatives, and
report back to us so we can better adjust our strategy. We are keenly
awaiting the release of the UN Secretary General’s synthesis report which
is expected before the end of 2014. In this report we hope to see the
Secretary General pull all of the strands of the post-2015 discussions
together and give us an outline of the concrete next steps the UN will take
regarding negotiations on the new framework over the next year. We will
analyse the report and then report back to you so that you can plan your
meetings accordingly.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions! For feedback on
this toolkit, advice or feedback on meetings with decision makers, please
contact: Fiona Bradley fiona.bradley em ifla.org and Stuart Hamilton
stuart.hamilton em ifla.org
Kind regards,
Dr. Stuart Hamilton
Deputy Secretary General
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
P.O. Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague
00 31 70 314 0884
Twitter: @ifladpa
*Carolina Rossini *
*Vice President, International Policy*
*Public Knowledge*
*http://www.publicknowledge.org/ <http://www.publicknowledge.org/>*
+ 1 6176979389 | skype: carolrossini | @carolinarossini
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