[okfn-br] Participação da OKBR na escolha do novo diretor executivo da OKI
Alexandre Hannud Abdo
abdo em member.fsf.org
Terça Outubro 7 05:05:11 UTC 2014
Opaa... tão usando meu santo heterônimo em vão?!
O q quem participar deverá fazer? É pra avaliar pessoas que se
apresentem, sugerir pessoas para irem atrás, ou ambos?
E outros membros da OKBR podem querer participar também, não vejo pq
não. E se for me incluir, que seja com meu nome próprio.
E Tom, o pad não abre, tá tom tom.
On 07-10-2014 00:33, Everton Zanella Alvarenga wrote:
> Vou colocar seu nome para ajudar da revisar os candidatos. Talvez
> poderia ser um time da OKBR com os três, daí tomaria menos tempo de cada
> um? :)
> 2014-10-07 0:32 GMT-03:00 Carolina Rossini <carolina.rossini em gmail.com
> <mailto:carolina.rossini em gmail.com>>:
> Ajudo com pitacos e a revisar os candidates. Mas dessa vez
> informalmente
> On Oct 6, 2014 11:26 PM, "Everton Zanella Alvarenga"
> <everton.alvarenga em okfn.org <mailto:everton.alvarenga em okfn.org>> wrote:
> Pessoal,
> alguém aqui tem interesse em participar do comitê? Eu acho muito
> legal alguém mais envolvido com a OKBR, com tempo e interesse,
> em participar.
> Abdo, Carol ou Heloisa, vocês teriam interesse em participar de
> alguma forma? Acho que os três tem uma visão bastante global e
> somariam muito no processo, mesmo que com pitacos mais
> esporádicos, se tiverem pouco tempo. (Esses são nomes que me
> vieram a cabeça num primeiro dia da semana, mas sintam-se a
> vontade em sugerir outros nomes :)
> Tom
> 2014-10-06 12:42 GMT-03:00 Everton Zanella Alvarenga
> <everton.alvarenga em okfn.org <mailto:everton.alvarenga em okfn.org>>:
> Hi Naomi,
> thanks for this. I'm just putting my e-mails in order before
> I jump into this, but a comment I'd make is that it'd be
> great to have someone from the global south in this
> committee. We need open knowledge to empower people, mainly
> those from societies where social problems could be solved
> through *collective informed actions*.
> I'll read the pad and, if I make any other substatial
> suggestion, I'll ping you all here in the mailing list.
> Best,
> Tom
> 2014-10-06 11:08 GMT-03:00 Naomi Lillie
> <naomi.lillie em okfn.org <mailto:naomi.lillie em okfn.org>>:
> Dear all,
> We're excited to be moving forward with this, and thank
> you to those who have been in touch.
> We didn't have many questions during the last hour,
> which hopefully means everyone understands what is going
> on and is happy with the plans! It's great that there
> weren't burning issues or concerns to be raised, but do
> feel free to follow up with thoughts and ideas, in the
> pad or on this thread.
> If you weren't able to join the Q&A but have questions,
> please drop a note on this email thread, on the pad
> (which I'll keep an eye on) or directly to me (I don't
> have all the answers but am very happy to try to help).
> Helen shared an *update from the Board*, so do check in
> to make sure you know the latest information:
> *https://pad.okfn.org/p/International_Council_special
> *(note: pad.okfn.org <http://pad.okfn.org> will be down
> for maintenance tomorrow [Tuesday] between 0130 and 0330
> UTC).
> Also, many thanks for the nominations sent in so far. If
> you haven't sent your suggestion for the Community
> Representative yet, please do so - the d*eadline is
> end-of-day this Thursday 9th October*.
> *Who is going to speak for you when selecting the Open
> Knowledge Executive Director? Make sure you have your say!*
> Thanks all,
> Naomi
> On 6 October 2014 09:54, Naomi Lillie
> <naomi.lillie em okfn.org <mailto:naomi.lillie em okfn.org>>
> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> A reminder that Helen will be holding a question and
> answer session on
> https://pad.okfn.org/p/International_Council_special at
> 14.00 BST (GMT+1) today.
> Please do join to ask any questions about the role
> of Community Representative on the Search Team, or
> to discuss ideas and issues around the search for
> the Executive Director for Open Knowledge, and/or to
> nominate people you think would be a good voice for
> the community in this role. Nominations are also
> welcome to me directly.
> Thank you,
> Naomi
> On 2 October 2014 14:42, Helen Turvey
> <helen.turvey em shuttleworthfoundation.org
> <mailto:helen.turvey em shuttleworthfoundation.org>> wrote:
> Dear Local Group and Working Group coordinators,
> I’m Helen Turvey, on the Open Knowledge Board of
> Directors.
> As you know Open Knowledge will be looking for a
> new executive director
> over the next months and we would like to invite
> you, the amazing global
> community, to take part in the process of
> finding the right candidate.
> We would like to have a community representative
> join the recruitment
> committee, which, while supported by a
> recruitment company, is
> responsible for recommending a new ED.
> We would love to hear your nominations for whom
> the community
> representative should be.
> Please send any nominations for the committee to
> Naomi Lillie on
> naomi.lillie em okfn.org
> <mailto:naomi.lillie em okfn.org>, or you can use
> this etherpad
> [https://pad.okfn.org/p/International_Council_special],
> where issues,
> general ideas and candidates can be submitted
> for broader community
> discussion.
> I’ll be hosting a Q & A next week, on Monday
> October 6 at 2pm BST, in
> the etherpad mentioned above, where you are
> encouraged to join and give
> your input.
> Based on your recommendations, the Board will
> appoint a representative
> to work alongside them in developing the process
> and making a
> recommendation for the ED position, which will
> be voted in (or not) by
> the Board. NB. this process is still being
> designed and will of course
> seek input from OK employees and community
> members at different stages.
> This open call for input will run until Thursday
> October 16. We look
> forward to hearing from you!
> Thank you,
> HT
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> --
> Naomi Lillie
> Network Director
> skype: n.lillie | @naomilillie
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> VAT Registration № GB 984404989. Registered office
> address: Open Knowledge, St John’s Innovation
> Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0WS, UK.
> --
> Naomi Lillie
> Network Director
> skype: n.lillie | @naomilillie
> <https://twitter.com/NaomiLillie>
> Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/> - See how data
> can change the world
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> Open Knowledge is a not-for-profit organisation. It is
> incorporated in England & Wales as a company limited by
> guarantee, with company number 05133759. VAT
> Registration № GB 984404989. Registered office address:
> Open Knowledge, St John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley
> Road, Cambridge CB4 0WS, UK.
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> --
> Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
> Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
> http://br.okfn.org
> --
> Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
> Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
> http://br.okfn.org
> --
> Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
> Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
> http://br.okfn.org
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