[okfn-br] [Escola de Dados] Vaga na Open Knowledge Alemanha
corvolinowins em gmail.com
Segunda Agosto 3 17:39:29 UTC 2015
O GA-BR teve gente para assumir? Me interesso por esse projeto.
> Em 03/08/2015, às 11:17, Everton Zanella Alvarenga <everton.alvarenga em okfn.org> escreveu:
> O projeto Gastos Abertos alemão também está contratando. Em especial, para nossos colaboradores na Europa.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Anna Alberts <anna.alberts em okfn.de>
> Date: 2015-07-21 8:44 GMT-03:00
> Subject: [OpenSpending] Vacancy @OKDE for Researcher/Journalist in H2020 OpenBudgets.eu
> To: openspending em lists.okfn.org
> Dear All,
> Open Knowledge Germany is looking for a "Junior Researcher/Journalist with a strong technical background (product owner) in the H2020 EU Project: OpenBudgets.EU".
> It is a part time position for 14 months at the Berlin Office of Open Knowledge Germany.
> You will be closely working together with the Open Budgets project team and our partners, such as J++. Your tasks will consists of the development of user requirement workshops and reports, testing tools and contribute to the development of new tools around Budget and Spending data for Journalists.
> Application open until: August 10th.
> For more information see the full vacancy at: http://okfn.de/blog/2015/07/Stellenausschreibung-Open-Budgets/
> Best wishes,
> Anna Alberts
> --
> Anna Alberts, Project Manager OpenBudgets.eu
> Open Knowledge Foundation Germany
> www.okfn.de | info em okfn.de | @okfde
> anna.alberts em okfn.de | @Anna_Alberts
> Office: +49 30 57703666 0
> Mobile: +49 176 21370998
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