[okfn-br] Fwd: Deutsche Bank Research: Open data – unrecognised potential
Igor Mendonça
igorcmendonca em gmail.com
Sexta Fevereiro 20 20:41:40 UTC 2015
*Igor Coura de Mendonça*
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Deutsche Bank Research, Germany <mailsystem.dbresearch em db.com>
Date: 2015-02-20 11:59 GMT-02:00
Subject: Deutsche Bank Research: Open data – unrecognised potential
Dear reader,
We have issued the following note which is available on our website under
the heading "Talking point":
* Open data – unrecognised potential *
The commercial and data protection foundations for debate about big data
may well already be in place. But far removed from the debate about
monetisation and data misuse there is another world in which data
applications, regardless of their data volumes, can provide a valuable
economic benefit to society. Our increasingly digital and data-driven
economy enables us to more rapidly detect potential ways to boost
efficiency and productivity and subject them to closer scrutiny. In this
context, the desire for greater transparency, participation and
collaboration provides an important motive for experimenting ultimately in
fact with new forms of democratic processes. The initially exponential
growth in the volume of data and its intelligent evaluation provide the
fertile breeding ground needed for innovation and economic growth in the
digital age.
Please find the complete text here:
BlackBerry view:
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Deutsche Bank Research
mailto:marketing.dbr em db.com <marketing.dbr em db.com>
Internet: http://www.dbresearch.com
Intranet: http://dbresearch.db.com
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Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Paul Achleitner; Management Board:
Jürgen Fitschen (Co-Chairman), Anshuman Jain (Co-Chairman), Stefan Krause,
Stephan Leithner, Stuart Lewis, Rainer Neske, Henry Ritchotte, Christian
Sewing; Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft domiciled in Frankfurt am Main;
Local Court of Frankfurt am Main, HRB No 30 000; VAT ID No DE114103379
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