[okfn-br] Fwd: [ogp] Help us build an evidence base on the social impact of open data!

Heloisa Pait heloisa em okfn.org.br
Terça Janeiro 27 17:42:23 UTC 2015

Post extremamente interessante. Especialmente o artigo sobre a Hungria,
Dados abertos não pode virar mero marketing para governos corruptos ou
autoritários. Deve ser algo auxiliar ao trabalho histórico, paulatino, de
abertura governamental à sociedade e construção da participação social.
Como auferir o impacto real de dados abertos?

On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 5:15 PM, Caroline Burle <cburle em nic.br> wrote:

> -------- Forwarded Message --------  Subject: [ogp] Help us build an
> evidence base on the social impact of open data!  Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015
> 19:02:18 GMT  From: jkeseru em sunlightfoundation.com
> <jkeseru em sunlightfoundation.com> <jkeseru em sunlightfoundation.com>  Reply-To:
> ogp em dgroups.org  To: OGP Civil Society group <ogp em dgroups.org>
> <ogp em dgroups.org>
> *** Sorry for the cross-post. ***
> Hey everyone,
> We need your help!
> The Sunlight Foundation is looking for examples on the social impact of
> open data and digital transparency projects from around the world. This is
> a great opportunity to tell us what open data project you`re working on and
> how you think your initiative is making a change to our societies, beyond
> economic impact. Our new repository is part of a research project to
> explore and analyze the social impact of open data outside the U.S. (More
> info in the blog post below.)
> Please submit your case story through this link<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jP6WIkEPczb8MBn6DNOU2PhKp9Prwe4HokqhUQVsxE0/edit#gid=0> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jP6WIkEPczb8MBn6DNOU2PhKp9Prwe4HokqhUQVsxE0/edit#gid=0>,
> or send it to international em sunlightfoundation.com before the end of *Feb.
> 4*! All you need to do is give a very short description of your project and
> how you think it's driving change.
> Best and thanks,
> Julia
> http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2015/01/23/help-us-build-an-evidence-base-on-the-social-impact-of-open-data/
> Help us build an evidence base on the social impact of open data!<http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2015/01/23/help-us-build-an-evidence-base-on-the-social-impact-of-open-data/> <http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2015/01/23/help-us-build-an-evidence-base-on-the-social-impact-of-open-data/>
> by Júlia Keserű <http://sunlightfoundation.com/team/jkeseru/> <http://sunlightfoundation.com/team/jkeseru/>
>    - policy <http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/policy/> <http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/policy/>
> JAN. 23, 2015, 8 A.M.
> [image: open data in Scrabble letters]Photo by Flickr user Justin Grimes<https://www.flickr.com/photos/notbrucelee/8016200072> <https://www.flickr.com/photos/notbrucelee/8016200072>
> Talking about the economic benefit of open data is one good way to describe
> open data’s impact, and provides a "great rationale<http://www.techrepublic.com/article/more-than-economics-the-social-impact-of-open-data/> <http://www.techrepublic.com/article/more-than-economics-the-social-impact-of-open-data/>"
> for
> the release of relevant data sets. However, open data’s impact does not lie
> solely in the economic sphere. Government openness may produce tremendous
> other benefits for our societies: increasing state or institutional
> responsiveness, reducing levels of corruption and clientelism, building new
> democratic spaces for citizens, empowering local and disadvantaged voices,
> or enhancing service delivery and effective service utilization.
> But how effective open data and government transparency actually are at
> producing these social benefits is not yet at all evident. At a time when "fake
> government openness<http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2014/10/16/is-ogp-vouching-for-hungary/> <http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2014/10/16/is-ogp-vouching-for-hungary/>"
> and
> "open-washing<http://blog.okfn.org/2014/03/10/open-washing-the-difference-between-opening-your-data-and-simply-making-them-available/> <http://blog.okfn.org/2014/03/10/open-washing-the-difference-between-opening-your-data-and-simply-making-them-available/>"
> are
> increasingly seen as a risk to the transparency movement’s credibility,
> there is burning need for more evidence on how opening up government
> information helps us all use resources more “effectively, equitably and
> sustainably to meet people’s needs<https://www.globalintegrity.org/posts/learning-to-open-governance/> <https://www.globalintegrity.org/posts/learning-to-open-governance/>.”
> Developing indexes and comparative studies on a wide range of topics (e.g.
> budgets <http://internationalbudget.org/what-we-do/open-budget-survey/> <http://internationalbudget.org/what-we-do/open-budget-survey/>,
> thefreedom
> of the web <http://webfoundation.org/projects/the-web-index/> <http://webfoundation.org/projects/the-web-index/>, aid<http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/index/> <http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/index/>, perceived corruption<http://www.transparency.org/research/cpi/overview> <http://www.transparency.org/research/cpi/overview>, etc.) is a crucial
> first step, but in order to get more buy-in from our policy-makers and a
> critical mass of citizens, we need to look beyond those indexes and find
> other ways to analyze the effect of open data on societies.
> Much of the existing literature seeking to measure the impact and
> effectiveness of transparency and open data accountability initiatives seem
> to face<https://www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/IETASynthesisReportMcGeeGaventaFinal28Oct2010.pdf> <https://www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/IETASynthesisReportMcGeeGaventaFinal28Oct2010.pdf>
> a
> common challenge: It is incredibly difficult to come up with definitive,
> evidence-based generalizations about how "x" type of initiatives produce
> "y" kinds of effects. The field has yet to coalesce around a theory of
> change, for one, and there are significant methodological challenges around
> comparability and unevenness of evidence.
> At Sunlight, we would like to help change that. As a continuation of our
> work <https://www.scribd.com/doc/219477511/The-Impacts-of-Open-Data> <https://www.scribd.com/doc/219477511/The-Impacts-of-Open-Data> to
> provide examples of how opening up information makes a difference in
> communities across the U.S., we want to tackle some of these challenges
> through a new research project to explore and analyze the social impact of
> open data outside the U.S. Our goal is to build a strong evidence base that
> might empower further generalizations and to develop a few potential
> theories of change that capture the nuances, complexity and messiness of
> this broad agenda. With generous support from the Open Data for Development<http://www.opengovpartnership.org/blog/jose-alonso/2014/11/26/ogp-open-data-working-group-announces-first-round-recipients-open-data> <http://www.opengovpartnership.org/blog/jose-alonso/2014/11/26/ogp-open-data-working-group-announces-first-round-recipients-open-data>Research
> Fund of the OGP Open Data Working Group, our research aims to identify the
> factors that increase the likelihood that open data initiatives will
> achieve their stated goals in a particular context. We also seek to
> understand why and how these factors lead to success or failure.
> As a first step, we are asking you — the community of transparency and open
> government advocates, civic hackers, investigative journalists and policy
> makers — to provide us with illustrative examples of how open data and
> transparency projects are having impact on our societies.
> Are you working on an open data project that improves the level of
> political participation and citizen engagement? Do you know any tech-based
> transparency project that you think might lead to change in social
> behavior? Is your transparency initiative aimed at decreasing the
> perception of corruption, fraud or waste. Has it led to more investigations
> or better investigative journalism? Are you aware of an open data
> initiative that improves public service delivery or social policies? From
> environmental through educational and public safety to health outcomes,
> we're looking for examples — both on the local and national level — that
> look beyond the direct economic benefits of open data and illustrate how
> government openness produces social benefits.
> We realize that the definitions we use here are a bit broad, but our goal
> is to encourage everyone working in this field to help us build a strong
> evidence base that we can further filter and analyze. So please help us and
> submit your case story through this link<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jP6WIkEPczb8MBn6DNOU2PhKp9Prwe4HokqhUQVsxE0/edit#gid=0> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jP6WIkEPczb8MBn6DNOU2PhKp9Prwe4HokqhUQVsxE0/edit#gid=0>,
> or send it to international em sunlightfoundation.com before the end of Feb.
> 4! All you need to do is give a very short description of your project and
> how you think it's making a change in our societies. Any supporting
> documents (theories of change, articles, impact stories) in both your local
> language or in English are welcome too.
> Access to government information and decision-making processes is a
> fundamental democratic principle. Open data and digital transparency are
> one important way of achieving that access. Help us make our case even
> stronger!
> --
> Júlia Keserű
> International Policy Manager
> 1818 N Street NW, Suite 300
> Washington, DC 20036(1) 202-742-1520 *246
> [image: Sunlight Foundation] <http://sunlightfoundation.com/> <http://sunlightfoundation.com/> [image:
> Sunlight Foundation on Facebook]<http://www.facebook.com/sunlightfoundation> <http://www.facebook.com/sunlightfoundation>[image: Sunlight Foundation on
> Twitter] <http://twitter.com/sunfoundation> <http://twitter.com/sunfoundation>[image: OpenGov on Reddit]<http://www.reddit.com/r/sunlight> <http://www.reddit.com/r/sunlight> [image: Sunlight Foundation on YouTube]<http://www.youtube.com/sunlightfoundation> <http://www.youtube.com/sunlightfoundation><http://sunlightfoundation.com/feeds/latest/> <http://sunlightfoundation.com/feeds/latest/>
> __________
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